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他们大打出手,从来没有这麽厉害。They had the most frightful set-to.

两个人为一根焦黑的骨头大打出手。Two women fought over a charred bone.

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如果做好准备要大打出手了,才会开火。If you ready to blows, and would open fire.

男朋友和最好的朋友大打出手?。The Boyfriend And The Best Friend?- Pretty Classy.

一次审案时,竟在法庭上与当事人大打出手。But in a trial, he fight with the litigant on court.

那对双胞胎为了每件事大打出手。The twins fight like cats and dogs about everything.

那两个男孩为争第一而大打出手。The two boys were fighting about who would be first.

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他们互相推搡了一会儿,眼看就要大打出手了。They sparred for a moment, on the brink of a full fight.

婚礼上酒醉的小华和白毛大打出手。The Bacchic Xiaohua on wedding and white hair roughhouse.

两个醉汉为了争夺那里唯一的女孩大打出手。Two very drunk men were fighting over the only girl there.

在某些情况下,抗议者甚至与警方大打出手。In some cases, protestors have fought with police officers.

为此孟蜀和刘地大打出手,结果刘地被痛揍一顿。Meng shu and liu to fisticuffs, as a result, liu pain beat.

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他知道自己将不顾一切地大打出手。He knew he would slam into him with abandon, forgetting all else.

于是,作家们终于忍无可忍了,他们涌上街头,发起抗议游行和罢工纠察,甚至还跟警方大打出手。And so the writers took to the streets. They were marching, picketing.

李婼在大街上和马车老板吵了起来,还大打出手。Li Ruo in the street and carriage boss quarreled, also strike violently.

沙武和铁中玉因水冰心而大打出手。Because water puts a heart on the ice and Sha Wu and Tie Zhongyu roughhouse.

在酒后大打出手的50年里,麦克休从来没有表现出任何创造力。Never in his 50 years of drunken fisticuffs did McHugh express any creativity.

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在过去几年里,双方都各执己见,并大打出手。In the past few years, the two sides had argued and fought over their opinions.

他们大打出手,结果眼青鼻肿,衣服撕破了,头也开花了。They had an awful fight that resulted in black eyes, torn clothes and split heads.

危机四伏的船上,刀锋和胡畔与潜伏的忍者交火,双方大打出手。Crisis on the boat, blade and hu bank of latent ninja firefight, both sides fights.