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那儿的墙上会贴上你的通缉令吗?Will there be wanted posters of you on the walls?

本,把她的照片发出去,发布通缉令。Ben, fly her picture. Let's get a bolo broadcast out on her.

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在我们路过的瞬间,通缉令里头的泽德凯亚·史密斯好像也在点头赞同我这么做。The poster of Zedekiah Smith seemed to nod at me as we passed.

他成了联邦调查局伪造罪头号通缉令名单上最年轻的人。He became the youngest man to ever make the FBI's most-wanted list for forgery.

另一个很奇怪的东西是,当时有一份列侬的通缉令。The other really strange one is that there's a kind of a wanted poster for Lennon.

这款名为"杀人"的游戏在世界各地家喻户晓,但早先在法国它被称为"通缉令"。The game is known worldwide as Bang!, except in France where it was previously known as Wanted!

国际刑警组织甚至收到一个成员国的要求,发出通缉令逮捕他。A member country of the Interpol has once requested the Interpol to issue a warrant for His arrest.

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新闻里播出了对丽莉的通缉令,与此同时她跑到吉娜家,叫她把画销毁。The news broadcast a warrant to lily, meanwhile she ran to zina home, asking her to draw destroyed.

马士沙拉末的通缉令在新加坡随处可见,此照片拍摄于新加坡索美赛地铁站。Wanted posters are visible everywhere in Singapore after his escape, such as this one at Somerset MRT Station.

但你知道吗,他实际上一贯是一个在逃犯,是上了国际刑警通缉令上的人。You know what, he was actually a criminal on the run. He was on the most wanted list of the International Police.

刘国强的通缉令符号是仿照警察局发出的通缉令形式而完成的图象标志。Liu Guoqiang symbol is a replica of the police warrant of arrest issued the order form and complete picture signs.

倾国接下了通缉令,告诉官兵自己知道那人的下落。Pour countries accepted the arrest warrant, told officers and soldiers themselves know the whereabouts of the person.

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Hurtig稍后发表的声明说阿桑奇的国际通缉令依据的是“夸张的理由”。Hurtig later issued a statement saying the international arrest warrant for Assange is based on "exaggerated grounds."

在一名黑人抢劫犯六次抢劫银行和药店之后,警方发出了带有他形象的通缉令。Police had put out an appeal for information on a black robber after six strikes on banks and pharmacies in the space of a month.

这张以西班牙议员加斯帕尔•利亚马萨雷斯为原型合成的照片被用在拉登的最新通缉令上,以替换美国政府1998年发布的拉登照片。The image using Gaspar Llamazares'photo appeared on a wanted poster updating the US government's 1998 photo of the al-Qaida leader.

这张以西班牙议员加斯帕尔•利亚马萨雷斯为原型合成的照片被用在拉登的最新通缉令上,以替换美国政府1998年发布的拉登照片。The image using Gaspar Llamazares’photo appeared on a wanted poster updating the US government’s 1998 photo of the al-Qaida leader.

1946年南朝鲜的九月总罢工和十月大邱暴动直接导致了美军政当局对朴宪永发布公开的通缉令。The strike in September and rebellion in October in 1946 directly lead to the wanted notification for Park publicized by American government.

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包括手写符号、通缉令、书籍、文物和其他需要用到文字系统的情节部分。This includes writing signs, wanted posters, books, ancient artifacts, and other plot devices that call for the depiction of a writing system.

它还补充说,缅甸当局已经发出通缉令,追捕彭和他的支持者,同时任命了彭的叛逆者为果敢地区的新领导人。Burmese authorities had issued an arrest warrant for Peng and his supporters and appointed defectors from his ranks as the new Kokang leaders, it added.

利比亚反对派声称,通缉令是他们的一个伟大胜利,反对派大本营班加西市民涌上街头欢庆胜利。Libyan opposition claims that they wanted to make a great victory for the opposition stronghold of Benghazi people took to the streets to celebrate victory.