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生字汉语拼音、配音动画笔顺、部首、例句。With Hanyu Pinyin, Stroke Illustrations, Radicals and Example Sentences.

提出一种提取静态字体笔顺信息的方法。This paper presented a method of extracting drawing order from static handwriting.

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我们要学笔顺规则,这样才能写出正确的汉字。To write the correct characters, learn the rules of the strokes will be very important.

笔顺就是写作思路顺畅,没有障碍的意思。"Bi Shun " has the meaning of thinking of writing is going on smoothly and without obstacles.

我看过祐中的书法,他的字体笔顺不仅快而且令人惊艳。I have seen Yoyo's style of calligraphy and it is quick and expressive in its formation and execution.

如果你让“r”的末笔顺着水平的阅读方向,就可以让它看上去更健壮。You can make it much stronger if you let the ending of the 'r' follow the horizontal reading direction.

汉字笔顺规范是语文现代化建设的一个基础项目。The normalization of Chinese character stroke orders is a fundamental project in language modernization.

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生字簿则为各课的生字练习,以字为单位,附有该字的笔顺、拼音、注音等。Vocabulary book is for the vocabulary practices, each word a unit, including the stroke, phonics and phonetics.

帮助学生学习字母,练习笔顺、著色,并藉由图片帮助幼儿记忆。Can Print helps students recognize letters, practice coloring and printing capital and small letters through pictorial aid.

这是不容易记住中文生字的意思,笔顺及拼音。事实上,这是非常乏味和令人沮丧的。It is not easy to memorize Chinese word meaning, stroke order and Pinyin as well. In fact, it is quite boring and frustrating.

了解如何在这个自由练习书法课书法老师从你的手为安色尔字体的书法写字笔顺。Learn how to practice your writing stroke for Uncial hand calligraphy in this free calligraphy lesson from a calligraphy instructor.

205个国家或地区的运动员将按照各自代表团名称的简化汉字笔顺入场。The athletes from 205 countries and regions will enter the stadium according to the number of strokes of their countries' names in simplified Chinese.

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掌握汉字笔画、笔顺和书写规则,可进行汉字的抄写和简单的听写。Can grasp Chinese character stroke, the stroke order and the writing rules, may carry on the transcription and the simple dictation of Chinese characters.

笔顺规范对于汉字的教学、研究、排检和计算机信息处理等都具有非常重要的作用。The standardization of Chinese character stroke orders is essential to Chinese language teaching, research, information retrieval and computer processing.

正迁移体现在有助于韩国学生掌握汉字的整体性、笔画的向心性以及笔顺规则。The positive transfers find expression in helping them grasp the wholeness of Chinese Characters, the centrality of Chinese strokes as well as the stroke order.

从预幼班到一年级,开始学习注音符号、正体字的笔顺与书写。Pre-kindergarten through first grade children learn the Zhuyin Fuhao system of phonetic symbols and then study traditional Chinese characters, mastering stroke order and penmanship.

书写书法时要注重笔顺,所以,它具有一种过程的性质,这就使它适合于表演。There is an order or sequential movement in calligraphy in which characters have to be written. It therefore has the character of being a process which makes it suitable for performance.

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提出了一种点阵汉字的笔顺字模的描述方法以及基于这种描述方法的汉字笔顺识别的算法和实现。On the basis of the coding principle about Chinese characters' order of strokes, the algorithm and implementation in Chinese characters' order of strokes recognition suggested in the paper.

五笔字型输入法已广泛使用,但一些字根、字型结构、笔顺经常混淆,本文从这三方面做了详细的归纳和总结。Although the input method of a Chinese character according to five strokes has been widely used, some word roots, word structure and the order of strokes of a Chinese character are often confused.

因此我们建议在对外汉字教学的初始阶段应该重视笔顺问题,并改进相关的教学方法和教材的编写。Therefore we suggest at outward the beginning of Chinese characters teaching start a stage should value pen agreeable problem, and improve related teaching method and writing of teaching material.