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当莫须有的期望最终没有实现。When unwarranted expectations ultimately are not realized.

伙计们,我与传播莫须有的谣言之间的关系就跟鱼水关系一样。Fellows, spreading false rumours is to me what water is to a fish.

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被人以莫须有的事情来指责你时,你能闭口不言吗?Can you keep silent when you are blamed for something you never did?

他们不会记得安菲尔德的莫须有进球,也不会记得摩纳哥的糟糕换人。They won't remember dodgy goals at Anfield or bad decisions in Monaco.

这些机构要么隐藏自己同美国方面的联系,要么声称莫须有的代表名义。These agents also often misrepresent or conceal their U.S. affiliations.

电视回放显示,这本是个莫须有的点球,手球的其实是乔丹。TV replays suggested, inconclusively, that it was Jordan who had handled.

随后,谢娜否认了这个莫须有的罪名,还暗讽是刘烨的错导致两人感情的破裂。Xie denies the accusation and insinuates that it was Liu's fault the two split.

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秦是南京人,莫须有可能是当地方言,大约是“不见得没有”的意思。" Qin Nanjing, and trumped-up may be the local dialect, is about "no no" means.

60岁的成龙扮演的是霍安——一名遭当局陷害成为莫须有罪名的奴役。Chan, 60, plays Huan An, an official framed and enslaved for a crime he didn't commit.

苏格拉底!你以毒害年轻人的罪名被捕了!当然还有其他莫须有的罪名。Socrates! You're under arrest on charges of corrupting the youth! And some other stuff.

除了莫须有的经济停滞外,对日本经济的其他两个诅咒便是债务和通货紧缩。Besides supposed stagnation, the two other curses of the Japanese economy are debt and deflation.

乔治迈克尔的绯闻头条莫须有逮捕他的音乐成就,2006年与美色的传闻。George Michael's scandal headlines trumped his music success in 2006 with arrests and sex rumors.

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你带头,我挖坟。是否是那个假的神风头巾给了你莫须有的勇气?You lead the charge and I dig the grave. Does that fake 'Kamikazi headband give you false courage ?

如果你这么做了,你就是在害阳性病毒携带者背负莫须有的罪名。Oh, and if you do so? You're just helping perpetrate that stigma that HIV-positive folks are boogeymen.

面对艰辛的异地恋,你是否沉得住气应对诸多莫须有的变故?To face the difficulty of long-distance love, could you deal with the unpredictable change with patience?

李敖许多对鲁迅莫须有的指责显示了他在这方面的无知和自我炫耀。A lot of of LIAo's articles have shown his ignorance in this respect to Lu Xun's criticism and show off oneself.

法院继续以莫须有的"国家机密"和"颠覆国家政权"罪名,判处异议人士多年的有期徒刑。The courts continue to sentence dissidents to long prison terms on spurious state secrets or "subversion" charges.

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为了脱身,他们只能供出更多莫须有的人,或者认罪减轻罪行,或者自杀。In order to get out, they can only reveal the more unwarranted people, or pleaded guilty to reduce crime, or commit suicide.

另外,前部长因为以莫须有的抵押贷款为由提出源源不断的资金要求而被执政工党强迫停职。And the former minister who had been claiming money for a non-existent mortgage was suspended from the governing Labor Party.

一个起点为点亮中国生活的一个黑暗角落的努力,变成了看上去可疑的行为,像对人莫须有的政治陷害。What started as an attempt to lighten a dark corner of Chinese life has turned into something that looks suspiciously like a witch-hunt.