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大范围的回暖是共有的客观事实。Greater resilience is a shared objective.

此时大地刚刚回暖,茶芽非常稚嫩。At this time the earth has warmed up, Chaya very immature.

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尽管形势严峻,仍有一些企业看到了回暖的迹象.Despite the tough climate, some firms see signs of a pickup.

招聘正在开始再度回暖,招聘者和银行家们说。Hiring is starting to pick up again, recruiters and bankers say.

另一股则是金融危机通常会导致柔弱的回暖。The other is that financial crises usually produce weak recoveries.

我们爱闻大地回暖的气息,爱听牛群哞叫。We love the smell of the earth warming and the sound of cattle lowing.

虽有一些经济回暖的迹象,但他们还是比不上美国其他地区。There are signs of recovery, but they lag those in the rest of the country.

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利率上涨可能会促使贷款抵押率上调,不利于房地产市场回暖。The rise will likely push up mortgage rates and complicate the housing recovery.

当气候回暖,被覆层彻底融化或蒸发后,沟谷便暴露出来了。In warmer periods, the blanket melts or evaporates entirely, exposing the gullies.

你的暴风雨也会过去,你的冬天也会回暖。Winters always thaws into springtime. Your storm will pass. Your winter will thaw.

中国的经济正趋回暖,而全球制造业的大副下挫亦有所缓和。China's economy is picking up. The slump in global manufacturing seems to be easing.

或许,香港地产业回暖之时,又是他的身家大涨之日。Maybe, the time when Hong Kong real estate rejuvenates is his day of fortune rising?

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经济逐渐回暖,这将从根本上改变他们对招才纳贤的看法。That might fundamentally alter how they think about recruitment as the economy recovers.

治疗可能会很辛苦,需要使冻伤的部位逐渐回暖。Treatment can be painful and involves the gentle rewarming of the frostbitten body part.

市场在三月份前的的六个月里乍然回暖又骤然降温。Markets have rallied very fast, but they fell just as quickly in the six months to March.

虽然资本市场已经回暖,但花旗却还在挣扎着恢复盈利。It has struggled to return to profitability even as capital markets have leapt back to life.

近期他的民意和美国经济都有所回暖,他本可以凭此大胆一些。He should have taken courage from recent improvements in both his poll ratings and the economy.

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Narayanan表示,事实上,某些潜在卖家会决定持有资产等待市场回暖以卖出更高的价格。Indeed, some may decide to hold out for a higher price when the market improves, says Narayanan.

但是最近几周随着邮轮需求的回暖,邮轮游价格出现回升。But in recent weeks there´s been an improvement in pricing off the lows as demand for cruises returns.

历史上虽有疏远,但两个民族国家在过去十年的关系回暖。Historically estranged, the two secular democracies have enjoyed warming relations in the past decade.