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比哈尔邦的独门绝技已经传到中国!Transfer of expertise from BIHAR to CHINA! !

他住在一个独门独院的房子里。His house has a yard that belongs only to him.

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中国联通一直走着低调路线,世界风是中国联通的独门秘笈。China unicom has been walking routes, the wind is low-key.

对,这是我独门的混合法!你光用闻的就知道?Yep, my own special blend! You can tell by just smelling them?

不只如此,还有许许多多让美满婚姻更加甜蜜的独门秘诀喔!Moreover, there are also more secrets to spice up one's marriage!

房子,管它是独门别墅还是两房一厅。Your home, whether it's a studio apartment or a two-bedroomed house.

精选上等去骨鸡腿肉,以独门酱料腌渍后,上架薰烤。Marinated chicken dark meat, grilled and served with spicy and sour sauce.

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这位作家的新书刚一上市就成了独门热货。The writer's new book turned out a best-seller as soon as it hit the market.

在扫描之后,该产品的独门内容就会显示在屏幕上。After doing so, special content unique to that product will be revealed onscreen.

目前我们住在单元房很满意,不过我们不久也许想住个独门独院的房子。We're happy living in a flat for the moment, but we may want to move to a house soon.

用筷子来优雅的吃鸡翅膀是我的独门绝技!Using chopsticks to eat chicken wings elegantly is one skill that I have yet to master!

同场熊神进老师更介绍兔年招财法,大家可以参照这些独门秘诀来提升财运。Besides, Master Xiong will introduce ways to enhance fortune in the year of rabbit as well.

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说实话,虽然是独门独院,但这里的房间确实谈不上宽敞。Tell the fact, although is only a door only hospital, the room here really talks not ascend broad.

我爸爸有这汤面的独门秘方。就是这样我们成了本地最有名的面店!My father had a secret recipe for noodle soup. This is how we became the best noodle restaurant in town!

以桶子功、千斤坠、五毒手为独门功夫,自宋代秘传至今。It is famous for bucket practice, kink-weight, and poisoned hand, taught secretly from Song Dynasty till now.

石排福隆产业区八成新独门独院标准厂房。Industrial district of grand of stone platoon blessing most probably workshop of standard of new single house.

在评论栏留下你的独门秘笈,给出其链接,如果我足够欣赏你的大作,我会考虑把它纳入葵花宝典作为招式演示的。Leave a comment below with a link to a presentation that you’ve built if I like it enough I’ll include it as an example.

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中国的东阳厨师们日前希望自己的“独门”特产——“尿煮童子蛋”风靡全世界。Traditional chefs in China are hoping their local specialty-spring eggs hardboiled in boys'urine-will catch on worldwide.

自从泰国曼谷郊区三攀动物园1985年成立以来,斗鳄人就一直在此表演这种独门绝。The wranglers have been performing the stunts at the zoo on the outskirts of Bangkok, Thailand, since it was set up in 1985.

换句话说,它实际在世界上是独门别类,独一无二的,但让人难过的是它像东非的许许多多其它大型哺乳动物一样,正处于危险的境地。In other words, it is effectively all alone in the world, unique but sadly under threat like so many other large mammals in Africa.