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她是一个童养媳。She is a child Bride.

你有童养媳吗?Do you have child brides?

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他对那个受苦的童养媳十分同情。His heart ached for the suffering child bride.

她被给了另一户人家作童养媳。She was given to another family as a child bride.

童养媳率非常高,有自杀,这并不奇怪。It is not surprising that child brides have a very high rate of suicide.

那些童养媳有时会通过自焚来逃避包办婚姻。child brides sometimes set themselves on fire to escape arranged marriages.

每株草都是牛羊家族的童养媳,早有婚约在的。Each grass is. a child bridegroom of an ox or a sheep. They have been bonded by marriage.

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然而,谁能知道,这位女将军却是童养媳出身。However, who can know, this female general is child bride one's previous experience however.

还在做女孩的时候,便被家中的老父买做童养媳,辛辛苦苦服伺了我姥爷大半辈子。Still a girl, it will be home father to buy a child bride to do hard, Fusi lifetime of my grandfather.

二诸葛家里除了童养媳之外,三个人谁也没有睡。With the exception of the little girl they had adopted, none in the house could go to sleep that night.

三个童养媳有一对姐妹,分别叫Radha和Gora,一个15岁一个13岁,显然她们已经能够明白眼前所发生的一切。Two of the brides, the sisters Radha and Gora, were 15 and 13, old enough to understand what was happening.

戴金花搬出边区政府不承认童养媳制度的说辞,极力想摆脱牛大仁。Dai Jinhua move out of the border region government does not recognize the brides system, trying to get rid of great mercy.

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由于无法养活女儿,在关女士五岁时,他们以三个银币的价钱把她卖给邻居做童养媳。Unable to feed their daughter, they sold Guan to a neighbor as a child bride when she was 5 years old for three silver coins.

他废除了童养媳和一夫多妻制,建设了北京第一条地铁线路,开启了中国的人造卫星发射计划。He banned child brides and polygamy, built Beijing's first subway line and started a space program with China's first satellite launch.

在中南海怀仁堂的授衔仪式上,童养媳出身的女红军李贞,被晋升为中国第一个女少将。Huairen Hall in Zhongnanhai, the Shouxian ceremony, the girl came from a female Red Army, Li Zhen, China was the first woman promoted to Major General.

古商城一甲巷5号李凤英老人12岁当童养媳,1944年因躲避战乱从邵东来到洪江,做缝纫活近20年。Li Fengying became a child bride when she was 12. In 1944, she moved to Hongjiang in order to escape from war. She has been making her living by sewing for 20 years.