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讶异的觉醒我的眼还有泪。Why do these eyes of mine cry?

真夜不该讶异的。The true night should not astound.

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她停下,大笑了起来,看起来很讶异。She stops, laughs, expresses amazement.

他的突然出现令我讶异。I was surprised at his sudden appearance.

第二天早上,我讶异地发现自己几乎没有任何疼痛感。Next morning I was amazed at how little pain I'd felt.

男孩想像力的丰富使老师感到讶异。The boy's fecundity of imagination amazed his teacher.

这令人讶异的力量我们从未看见,但会有机会看见吗?。The power that ever amazes we look, but never will see?

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门口的服务生走上来,眼神中有讶异与尴尬。The waiter came up, eyes have surprised and embarrassed.

真夜彻底忘了自己要说些什么,令人讶异地站了起来。Mayo forgot what she was going to say and stood straight up.

迪雅卓对于她的车子多年来仍可以保持良好状况,感到很讶异。Deidre is amazed at how well her car has held up over the years.

在马可福音第二章,所有人都因为一个瘫子得医治而大感讶异。In Mark 2 everybody is amazed because a paralyzed man is healed.

接踵而来的针对茅先生的刻薄批判即使在我预料之中,仍使我不胜讶异。The ensuing vitriol against Mr. Mao was, to me, both expected and surprising.

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格兰非常讶异它在地面上所遮盖的阴影,那要几根手指头的日子才能接触到它?Gran was amazed by its shade on the ground. How long had the finger of days touched it.

我很讶异看到的第一幅展览作品就是著名的吉斯蒙达海报!I was surprised to see that the first work on display was that renowned Gismonda poster!

我很讶异,饭店并没有被要求学习这个简单的急救程序。I was amazed that restaurateurs are not required to learn this simple emergency procedure.

我认为这些子虚乌有的指控令人讶异,这篇报导显然触怒许多人。I find these make-believe allegations astonishing. Obviously this story touched a lot of people.

初进聋哑学校,我讶异于苍穹之下残缺的生命何以如此之多!Early into the deaf school, I surprised at how the lives of handicapped under the firmament so much!

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这并不讶异,也许就存在着那么个增长率与失业率呈密切的负相关。Unsurprisingly, perhaps, there is a close inverse correlation between growth rates and unemployment.

柯林斯家族指出,他们很讶异邻居竟然请政府要他们将凯弟移走。The Collinses said they were surprised when neighbors asked the government to make them get rid of Kitty.

令人不讶异的是学生没有考好英文测验多半是因为听力不足。It's no surprise that students perform poorly on English proficiency tests that have a listening component.