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用干粉。Use powder.

用干粉喷剂的防止反印喷粉器。Dry spray An anti-set-off spray using dry powder.

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是一种特殊气味的灰白色干粉末。U is a gray-white, dry powder, with a specific smell.

KFA是一种特殊气味的灰白色干粉末。UKFA is a gray-white, dry powder, with a specific smell.

达内尔把这些粘稠液体加工成冷冻干粉。Darnell processes the thick liquid into a freeze-dried powder.

然后液体降水,出干粉是淀粉。Then the liquid precipitation, out of dry powder that is starch.

雾状水、干粉、二氧化碳或泡沫灭火器。Water spray, dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide, or appropriate.

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他们计划生产含有药物催产素干粉。They plan to manufacture a dry powder containing the drug oxytocin.

这样就制造出干粉培养基的原粉。So, make the original powder of powder culture medium for manufacture.

结论该方法可有效控制通淋口服冻干粉的质量。It can be used for the quality control of Tonglin Oral Lyophilized Powder.

在这个季节,最好不要用干粉定妆,以免使皮肤更加干燥。In autumn, you'd better not use quink power, in case of making the skin dried.

在一个实施方案中,所述制剂以干粉或冻干粉剂的形式提供。In one embodiment, the formulation is provided as a dry or lyophilized powder.

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干粉灭火剂粒度对抑爆性能的影响。Influence of dry powder fire extinguishing agent size on inhibitory performance.

使用此种链节适于输送干粉、细灰状物质。The chain link is suitable for conveying dry powder and fine ash shape materials.

讨论了干粉砂浆研究和开发应用的重大意义。The Significance in development and application of dry-mixed mortars is described.

本实验采用的灭火剂有二氧化碳、干粉和细水雾。The fire-extinguishing agents involve carbon dioxide, dry chemical and water mist.

目的观察蜂王浆冻干粉对小鼠免疫功能的影响。Objective To study the effects of lyophilized royal jelly on immune status in mice.

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用前调配,将冻干粉与溶媒混合,摇匀溶解。Preparation, Mixed "Freeze-dried Powder" with "Menstruum" together, shaking dissolved.

本实用新型涉及一种能加工干粉的胶体磨。The utility model relates to a colloidal mill through which dry powder can be processed.

等面团发起来以后,在面团上洒些干粉,把面团平均分割成12小块。When risen, turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and divide into 12 equal pieces.