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他是伟大的招摇撞骗。He is the great trickster.

他经常假借公司的名义来招摇撞骗。AND swindled under the guise of the company's name.

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冒充记者招摇撞骗,诈取了不少钱财。He pretended to be a journalist, and swindled lots of money.

每次获邀在典礼上致词,总免不了有一些招摇撞骗的感觉。Each time I give a commencement speech I feel like a bit of a fraud.

他经常假借公司的名义来招摇撞骗。He often swaggered AND swindled under the guise of the company's name.

很奇怪他居然设法招摇撞骗闯过所有难关。It's queer that he managed to bluff his way through all the difficulties.

那个德瓦隆骗子利用希基塔里人的多阶段生命周期来招摇撞骗。The multi-stage life cycle of the Shikitari factored into the conman's scam.

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原来是张毅冒充师傅的声誉在四处招摇撞骗。It is easy in the reputation of the master pretend to be committing an act around.

我的朋友们,每一个充满招摇撞骗虚张声势,投注彼此可以解除大部分。My friends, each full of swagger and bravado, bet one another they could lift the most.

“当时有许多的江湖骗子打着炼金术的名号招摇撞骗,特别是在欧洲贵族圈子里,”Newman博士说。“There were a lot of charlatans, especially in the noble courts of Europe, ” said Dr. Newman.

不少的丑陋及欺骗为了达到自己的目的披着爱情的彩衣招摇撞骗。Many is ugly and the deceit in order to achieve own goal throw over love colored clothing to mooch.

利用公司名义在外招摇撞骗,致使本公司信誉蒙受重大损失者。Committing an act of cheating in the name of the Company and causing serious damage to the Company regulation.

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他是打着‘全面保健’的旗号,实际上推行的是‘快速修复’理念,完全是招摇撞骗。Under the banner of holistic and integrative healthcare, he thus promotes a 'quick fix' and outright quackery.

另外,一些在外面招摇撞骗、不守戒律的人,他们也是一丘之貉,物以类聚地各自形成一个小团体。Some disciples whom cheated around and broke commandants, they were birds of one feather and formed a small clique.

持有欧债将给中国在这个国际体系中更多的影响力去招摇撞骗,但同时也降低他这样做的动机。Holding European debt might give China more leverage to cheat within the international system, but also reduces China's incentive to do so.

冒充人民警察招摇撞骗的,依照前款的规定从重处罚。Whoever poses as a People’s policeman in order to practise fraud shall be given a heavier punishment according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

渝中区法院今天透露,该院一审以冒充军人招摇撞骗罪,判处邓拘役四个月。The Yuzhong District court disclosed today that this courtyard first trial pretends to be the serviceman mooching crime, condemns Deng to imprison for four months.

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冒充人民警察招摇撞骗的,依照前款的规定从重处罚。Whoever impersonates a people's policeman to go about and deceive people shall be given a heavier punishment in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

弗莱明说,动荡局势下,这些北非国家的边界管理几乎处于瘫痪状态,此前在地下活动的人贩子可以公开招摇撞骗。Fleming said the volatile situation, these North African countries, border management is almost paralyzed, in the underground activities of the traffickers had publicly trickster.

炼丹的道士要是真有道行,早就吃了仙丹成仙得道了,不可能还在尘世招摇撞骗。Taoist priest of make pill if really have a line, had already eaten pill of immortality to become immortal to achieve wisdom, swindle by false pretenses still in the material life impossibly.