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他们是总编辑。They are editors-in-chief.

房间里有三位总编辑。There are three editors-in-chief in the room.

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总编辑删节了某些文章。The editor in chief docked some of the articles.

朱利安·阿桑奇是维基解密组织的总编辑。Julian Assange is the editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks.

李静,深圳广播电影电视集团党组成员、副总编辑。Ms. Li Jing, Vice Chief Editor of Shenzhen Media Group.

和传统的总编辑不同,威尔士先生手下并无一兵一卒。Unlike a conventional editor-in-chief, Mr Wales has no staff.

不,我是英语出版部的总编辑。No, I'm the chief editor of our English Publications Division.

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他被任命为总编辑,代替已退休的怀特先生。He has been appointed editor in chief vice Mr.White,who has retired.

总编辑在六十五岁时被解除职务。The editor in chief was relieved from his post at the age of sixty-five.

红网副总编辑陈明宣读获奖的外国专家名单。Chen Ming, deputy editor-in-chief of Rednet. cn read the list of winners.

曾在中央电视台做新闻编辑,后任人民日报总编辑。Worked for CCTV as a news editing and then became an editor of People's Daily.

本杰明●雷德福是怀疑论询问者科学杂志的总编辑。Benjamin Radford is managing editor of the Skeptical Inquirer science magazine.

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如果不能找到合适的编辑,可将投稿信写给总编辑。If one cannot be readily identified, address your letter to the editor-in-chief.

而就在几周前,苏珊特普费尔是安装新的总编辑。This comes just weeks after Susan Toepfer was installed as the new editor-in-chief.

据知情人士说,“副总编辑”是一个行政级别。According to informed sources, "the Deputy Editor-in-Chief" is an administrative level.

是新纪囗元周报的总编辑,说房产税是不合理的。Zang Shan, chief editor of New Epoch Weekly, said that a property tax is not justified.

总编辑刚才打来电话说他今晚要去上海。The chief editor has just called in to say that he will leave for Shanghai this evening.

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下图为中国日报社总编辑朱灵致辞。The following photo shows Zhu Ling, editor-in-chief of China Daily, delivering a speech.

总编辑格斯丁也是加州圣地亚哥瓦拉多医院性学部的主任。Goldstein is also the director of sexual medicine at Alvarado Hospital in San Diego, California.

广电总局副总编辑金德龙表示,该限娱令将于明年1月份起开始生效。Jin Delong, deputy director of SARFT, has confirmed that the restrictions will begin next January.