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我们的步兵和装甲兵均比敌军少。We have less infantry and amour than the enemy.

我们的步兵和装甲兵均比敌军的少。We have less infantry and armour than the enemy.

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每辆豹子都中弹起火,逃出来的装甲兵全被严重烧伤。Each Panther caught fire, and all the crews who escaped were badly burned.

他除了有飞行员和装甲兵的丰富经验,勒克将军还是一名伞兵、巡逻骑兵。The General is an experienced Army Aviator who originally trained as an armor officer.

如果你能做到对坦克和装甲兵运输车视而不见,这里确实有了一丝如常的气息。Well, if you ignore the tanks and the armoured personnel carriers, there is a sense of normality here.

后来,在第一次世界大战末期,法国装甲兵开始采用一种戴起来更服帖、更合体的贝雷帽。A tight-fitting version was subsequently adopted by French armoured troops towards the end of World War I.

装备再制造学科的建设是装甲兵工程学院学科建设新的增长点。The development of equipment remanufacturing subject is the new growth point in the subject construction in our college.

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在公元前4世纪末期,装甲兵在海战中很重要,因此该船被更重的船取代。By the late 4th century BC, armed deck soldiers had become so important in naval warfare that it was superseded by heavier ships.

该装甲车的一个部件是由科技博物馆提供的,而其它部件则是由装甲兵车辆博物馆提供的。One part of the equipment was presented by the technology museum whereas the other part – by the museum of armored force vehicles.

装甲兵应对方式影响因素多而复杂,包括个人发展因素、家庭因素、部队因素和心理社会因素等。Many factors are related to coping style of the armored car crew, including individual factors, family factors, military factors and psycho-social factors.

这为装甲兵的心理健康教育、心理素质训练提供了科学依据,具有实际指导意义。In practice, the findings of the study provide scientific basis for mental health education, training of psychological quality and psychological counseling.

1942年制造的BA-64B装甲车。该装甲车的一个部件是由科技博物馆提供的,而其它部件则是由装甲兵车辆博物馆提供的。The armored car BA-64B, 1942. One part of the equipment was presented by the technology museum whereas the other part – by the museum of armored force vehicles.

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总之,为了提高装甲兵合理应对方式,应有针对性的把重点放在低年龄,低文化程度和低军龄的装甲兵。To sum up, to improve reasonable coping style of the armored car crew, the emphasis should be put on those with lower age, less education and lower military time.

该生曾在2004年北京丰台区装甲兵工程学院上军校,我发现该生和很喜欢团队协作共同完成各项任务,具有较高的集体精神理念。During 2004 in the armoring soldiers project academy, I found this student had a high sense of collectivity and liked to cooperate with others to accomplish the tasks.

大正语言知识处理科技有限公司的网站说,它与中国人民解放军装甲兵工程学院有合作关系,并说它2005年帮助解放军开发了一个截取保密文件的系统。Dazheng's Web site says it cooperates with the Armored Engineering Institute of the PLA, and that it helped the PLA in 2005 produce a system to intercept 'confidential' documents.

装甲兵应对方式与心理健康密切相关,心理健康组与心理问题组装甲兵应对方式存在显著差异。Coping style of the armored car crew has close related to mental health, and is different between the crew with higher level of mental health and those with lower level of mental health.