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茬口毛茸茸的,一看就知道是钝口的镰刀收割的。Stubble side was brushy , that resulted from blunt sickle's reaping.

沙生灌木平茬要求切口平整,不能有撕裂,一次性切断,茬口低,摩擦要小。The best way that cuts sandy shrub should have a neat slice and less friction.

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文中从茬口安排、品种选用和栽培技术要点等方面论述了该模式的高产高效栽培技术。The paper introduces this cropping mode from these aspects of stubble arrangement, breed selecting, and planting technology.

研究了不同砧木、不同土壤茬口条件下嫁接茄子根际微生物的种群数量变化。The changes of rhizosphere microbial populations of grafted eggplants with different rootstocks and cropping systems were studied.

通过多熟立体栽培,增加黄豆、花生、花芸豆等豆类作物茬口,实现既培养地力又增加经济收入双赢目标。More leguminous plants will be added as stubble crops with the aim to improve the fertility soil and increase the economical income.

在轮作条件下,冬小麦的产量更容易受到降水的影响,而春玉米的产量更容易受茬口的影响。Winter wheat yield was more sensitive to rainfall and spring maize yield more influenced by previous crop stubbles in rotation system.

田间试验结果表明,影响大豆孢囊线虫病发生程度的主要因素是土壤有机质、茬口、土壤含水量等。The result of field test shows that the main factors which affect the degree of SCN are organic matter, crops rotation and soil humidity etc.

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实验表明,利用加砂法研磨扩孔,对环砥石的石质及硬度并无绝对要求,但在修整管钻孔茬口时,可能对环砥石的硬度要求较高。Experiments demonstrate that the grinding process has no special requirements for the type and hardness of the stone broach but the trimming process does.

阐述了以排开茬口、周年栽培和四季供应为核心的西瓜周年生产栽培技术。The core technology of how to arrange the shifts of rotation, the all-year cultivation technologies and how to realize the year- round supply were elaborated.

在山西临汾、襄汾采用大区对比法研究了土壤质地和茬口对小麦产量及水分利用效率的影响。Affect of soil texture and rotation on wheat yield and water use efficiency has studied by using the method of contrast in Linfen and Xiangfen, Shanxi province.

上海郊区水稻生产的投入与产出,在不同地区、不同品种、不同茬口类型和生产经营规模之间客观上存在着一定的差异性。Some difference of Input-output of paddy production in Shanghai suburb exits objectively in different districts, varieties, stubble types and management scales.

利用我市秋季的资源优势,在早、中稻收获后的茬口田,采用免耕土表播种、施肥后再覆盖稻草栽培秋马铃薯。By using advantageous natural resource in autumn, potatoes are planted in paddy soils and covered by rice haulms without plowing up the soil after the harvest of rice.

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在山西临汾、襄汾采用大区对比法研究了土壤质地、耕作方式及茬口对小麦播前土壤贮水量的影响。Influence of soil texture, tillage practices and stubble on water storage content before wheat sowing was studied by using the method of contrast in Linfen and Xiangfen, Shanxi province.

不同春播作物茬口小麦播前的贮水量以地黄茬贮水量最高,其次为丹参茬,棉花茬较差。The maximal water storage content before wheat sowing of stubble of different spring crop was Rehmannia glutinosa stubble, the second was Salvia miltiorrhiza stubble, the minimum was cotton stubble.

在莲藕茬口配置、设施栽培、种藕繁殖、采挖以及莲藕产品开发利用等方面具有明显的地方特色。The paper also deals with the distinctive characteristics of crop rotation arrangement in lotus root field, and of protected cultivation, reproduction, harvest and utilization of lotus root in Hubei.