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湖北是我国细辛属植物的分布中心之一。Hubei is one of the distribution centres of Asarum in China.

目的研究灯盏细辛视神经保护的活性成分。OBJECTIVE To investigate the optic neuroprotection components of Erigeron breviscapus.

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灯盏细辛注射液合自血光量子疗法治疗糖尿病周围神经病变安全而有效。DXI combined with photon-autotransfusion therapy is effective and safe in treating DPN.

目的观察细辛水煎剂与硝苯地平伍用的镇痛作用。Objective To observe the analgesic action of combination of asarum decoction and nifedipine.

目的对辽细辛地下部分进行化学成分研究。Objective To study the chemical constituents of the root of Asarum heterotropides Fr Schmidt.

峨眉山细辛属的分布及其与系统分类的关系。The geographical distribution of genus Asarum in Mt. Emei of China in relation to systematics.

我国南方将细辛全草铺于地板下以防白蚁侵蛀。In Chinese southward, people have spreaded Asarum grass below the floor board to drive termites.

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目的探讨灯盏细辛注射液治疗急性脑梗死的临床疗效。Objective It is to discuss the clinical curative effect of fleabane injection on acute brain infarction.

细辛临床广泛应用于多种疾病的治疗,且疗效肯定。Asarum clinical widely applies to the many kinds of diseases treatment, also curative effect affirmation.

目的比较辽细辛果实中不同部位和不同产地辽细辛果实与种子中马兜铃酸A的含量。Objective To compare the contents of aristolochic acid in the fruit and seeds of Asarum heterotropoides Fr.

细辛属植物亦具有较高的观赏价值,在日本已广为应用,但在我国却栽培很少。Asarum plants, with the ornamental, have been extensively utilized in Japan, but little cultivated in China.

建立了固体顶空毛细管气相色谱法测定细辛脑中有机溶剂残留量。A solid headspace capillary gas chromatography for the determination of residual organic solvents in asarone was established.

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结论咖啡酰衍生物和灯盏花素都是灯盏细辛注射液治疗心脑血管和眼科疾病的有效成分。CONCLUSION Caffeoyl derivate and breviscapine are both active constituents in E. breviscapus for cardiocerebral and optic desease.

目的观察灯盏细辛注射液对慢性肺原性心脏病急性加重期患者的血气分析及血液流变学的影响。Objective To inspect the clinical effects of breviscapine in the treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic pulmonary heart disease.

目的测定细辛不同药用部位及其制剂中马兜铃酸A的含量。OBJECTIVE To determine the content of Aristolochic Acid A in different parts of Herba cum Radice Asari and in Xuetie Dingchuan Plaster.

因此用动态浊度法定量检查灯盏细辛注射液细菌内毒素的含量,结果准确,在实际应用中完全可行。Quantitative detection of bacterial endotoxin in Erigerontis injection by kinetic turbidimetric assay is entirely feasible in practice.

结论灯盏细辛可明显改善运动神经传导速度、感觉神经传导速度、膀胱残余尿量等指标。Conclusion Erigeron breviscapus can improve some parameters such as bladder urine residue and conducting speed of peripheral motor or sensory nerve.

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结论薄层色谱方法简单、重复性好、专属行强,可对灯盏细辛药材进行定性鉴别。Conclusion This method is simple with strong specificity and good reproducibility, which can be used for the identification of medicinal material Erigeron breviscapus.

结论单叶细辛可抑制寒饮射肺证大鼠TXB2、ET的产生,减少灌洗液中蛋白质含量,有效改善肺通气。Conclusions Single leaf Asarum can reduce TXB2, ET and protein in perfusing fluid enhance pulmonary ventilation in experimental rats with syndrome of cold fluid shooting lung.

为探明不同灯盏细辛居群生长势差异,以云南及其周边地区的22个灯盏细辛居群为材料,在昆明地区栽培后进行生长势的对比研究。To compare the growth of different Erigeron breviscapus populations, 22 populations from Yunnan and its surrounding area were planted in Kunming and their growth were observed.