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他听到孙大姑说。He heard Auntie Sun say.

周围女人不少,全是大姑大嫂。Many around the woman, all Aunt Daisow.

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大姑在他心中的位置有时会超过妈妈。My aunt in his heart is sometimes more than mom.

虽然来自佛教的背景,这位大姑还是愿意跟我们一起谢饭祷告。This Aunty is a Buddhist, but she is willing to pray with us.

大姑话还没说完,我爸爸一伸手从抽屉里拿出了一个红彤彤的义务献血证。If not finished, my father took out a hand a blood red card obligations.

大姑,祝你平安夜快乐和圣诞节快乐!Elder sister-in-law, wish you merry Christmas Eve and Christmas is happy!

全家人都知道大侄儿和我这个最偏心的大姑最铁。The whole family know great nephew and I the most eccentric aunt most iron.

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哈哈。记忆也深刻。第二次呢,就是去年,在大姑家过的。The first time i remember i had my birthday away from home was when i was in Korea.

曾记得小时候,我们家几姊妹最爱去的就是大姑家和外婆家。Be recalled that a child, our family favorite for several sisters to go home and grandma is Aunt.

大姑闻声追了出来,我们赶紧“哎呀”一声,溜之大吉。The elder sister-in-law heard noise to make track for to come out, we hurriedly"oh"1, absquatulate.

这位大姑也非常的友善,打电话邀请我几次,希望能够要请我们到他们家作客!And this Aunty is so friendly that she has called me several times, wanting to invite us to her house.

等到了大侄儿上学后,回到家里听到最多的是快让你大姑给你讲讲吧,我们谁也说不明白了。When the great nephew back home after school, hear most is let you not tell you about it, we don't know who.

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1860年秋,第一远征军首领艾尔金勋爵带领实力占优的英法联军再次攻下大姑。So in the autumn of 1860 Lord Elgin, leader of the first expedition, returned with an overwhelming British-French force.

被屠杀者是孙家那群孤独高傲的鸡,屠杀者是孙家的老奶奶,一个极有功夫的女人,人称孙大姑。Being slain were the family's cocky chickens and the slayer was the old granny of the Suns, a woman extremely skillful in gongfu and known as Auntie Sun.

采臣坚称红衣女是女鬼,兄弟二人为此争执之际,见到一名大姑出现,更声称自己芳龄十六,名聂小倩。Mining minister insisted that the girl in red is female the ghost, the two brothers for this dispute, meet an elder sister-in-law, more claim to age 16, can.

我虽然很想念他们,但是我也十分肯定她们非常的安全。因为,我的丈夫,Warren,和我是把她们托付给我见过的最负责任的人,我的大姑姐。I missed them but I felt confident that they were safe, since my husband, Warren, and I had sent them away with my sister-in-law, the most responsible person I knew.