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她自封为专家。She proclaimed herself an expert.

我自封为王,当我们正在走向一个,新的世界秩序。Make me king, as we move toward a, new world order.

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一些批评人士嘲讽这个组织为“自封的食品警察”。Some critics deride the group as self-appointed food police.

自封绰号是彻头彻尾的垃圾,谁都不该用。Self-given nick names are straight-up garbage and should never be used.

把所填写的表格单独入与一个自封袋中,保证其干净。Put the request form and check in a separate sealed bad to keep them dry.

然后,他自封皇帝,从而开始了后梁。He then proclaimed himself emperor, thus beginning the Later Liang Dynasty.

他自封幕府将军“征夷大将军”。He makes himself Shogun, or "commander-in-chief for suppressing barbarians".

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在中国,它是硕果仅存的几个自封的毛式集体之一。It is one of the few remaining self-styled Maoist collectives in thecountry.

他的邻居记得他是一个热情洋溢的少年,自封是一个讨女人喜欢的男人。His neighbors remembered him as a hot-blooded teenager, a self-styled ladies' man.

在这个“尼克”盒子里,还塞有一个小自封袋,里面是一颗小小的乳牙。Also tucked inside the "Nick" box was a little Zip-lock bag with a tiny baby tooth.

后来德普质疑那些把他称为“自封的欧洲人”的后续报道Later Depp contested ensuing media reports that dubbed the actor a 'European wannabe'.

通过强迫日本卑躬屈膝,中国重申其自封的亚洲第一大国的地位。By forcing Japan to kow-tow, China reasserts its self-appointed role as Asia's premier power.

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现在的问题是,我们究竟要几家自封的七星级酒店,真的需要吗?Now the question is, exactly how many self-claimed seven-star hotels do we need, if any at all?

马达加斯加自封的领导人对被他驱逐的总统发出逮捕令。The self-appointed leader of Madagascar has issued an arrest warrant for the president he ousted.

自封为王的罗伊王子专为“海国”确定了国旗、国歌,还发行了金银铸币。The self-styled Prince Roy adopted a flag, chose a national anthem and minted silver and gold coins.

这位自封的罗伊王子选定了国旗、国歌还铸造了西兰银币和金币。The self-styled prince roy adopted a flag, chose a national anthem and minted silver and gold coins.

布莱克与其他自封的研究人员对所有的怪圈都进行了鉴定、测量、拍照和记录的工作。She and other self-appointed investigators identify, measure, photograph, and report on all formations.

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该品种是从美国引进的加工型专用番茄,自封顶,中晚熟。This processing tomato is introduced from the USA and is middle-late maturity processing tomato variety.

尽管我喜欢自封为网上跑步社区的元老级人物,但其实我还差得远呢。Though I would love to say I am the founding father to the running community online, I am far from that.

这是泰根的牙,”我边捡起一个写着她名字的自封袋,边对丈夫说道。Here's Tegan's tooth, " I said to my husband as I picked up a zip lock bag with her name engraved on it."