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身体要常保持清洁。Keep your body clean!

干湿双用,清洁,安全。Wet and dry dual-use.

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常清洗、保持清洁。Wash often. Keep clean.

清洁抽油烟机。Clean smoke fan filters.

保持清洁和自信。Keep clean and confident.

适用于岗亭的清洁。Apply to control box clean.

清洁,并包扎皮肤伤口。Clean and cover skin wounds.

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保持您的双脚清洁干爽。Keep your feet clean and dry.

保持教室清洁。To keep the schoolroom clean.

要保持房子整齐清洁!Keep the house clean and tidy!

尽力不要强迫性清洁。Try not to compulsively clean.

水是清洁和重新利用。Water was cleaned and re-used.

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相反,选择用温和的清洁用品。Instead, choose mild cleansers.

保持清洁和洗手。Keep clean and wash your hands.

驴子喜欢互相清洁。Burros like to clean each other.

清洁是疾病的敌人,清洁可以祛病。Cleanliness is a foe to disease.

请协助我们,保持火车清洁卫生。Help us to keep the train clean.

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部,我们的猪食很清洁的。No, our pigs will be very clean.

清洁或更换暖气过滤网。Clean or replace furnace filters.

在那里,清洁的野鸭子来了。Hither the clean wild ducks come.