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把这项工作提到议事日程上来。Put this item on our daily work schedule.

大型的医疗改革已经箭在弦上,正式提上议事日程。The big health care push is officially on.

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我认为技术有其自己的议事日程。I claim that technology has its own agenda.

这个问题应当提到议事日程上加以研究。This must be put on the agenda and studied.

我们先定一个议事日程好吗?Let's draw up an agenda for our discussion, shall we?

我们先把这浸事仔懈研究壹下,遮把它列褥议事日程。Let's thrash the matter over before it on the agenda.

按照议事日程,他们第二天到了非洲。According to the agenda, they arrived in Africa the next day.

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这儿有很多事情可以做,但又没有什么可以列入你的议事日程的。There's plenty to do here but nothing you'd put on an agenda.

那么按你的逻辑,人类意识不可能有自己的议事日程。So by your logic, human minds could not have their own agenda.

“与贫困战斗,现在这项工作已经列入每个部门的议事日程”。The fight against poverty is now on the agenda of every sector.

因此,对旧房进行节能改造,已提到议事日程。Therefore, the retrofit of old house, already mentioned agenda.

从现在开始,议事日程必须是纯然采用法律行动。Instead a purely legalistic attack must be the order from now on.

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而且我们都力求创建一个广泛而意义深远的议事日程。And together we're pursuing an agenda that is broad and far-reaching.

“人口大爆炸”问题正在缓慢的爬回环境问题的议事日程。The “population bomb” is creeping back onto the environmental agenda.

我们身体的议事日程恰恰也是任何其他动物身体的议事日程。The agenda of our bodies is exactly the agenda of any other animal body.

十年以后,气候变化依然处于国际议事日程最前列。Ten years later, climate change is equal top of the international agenda.

既然会议的地址已经定了,我们能不能商谈议事日程?。Now that the meeting-place has been settled on, can we talk about the agenda?

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自从2006年两会,环保法的修订被列入议事日程。The amendment of the Law has been discussed in the "two sessions" since 2006.

现在,岩盐溶腔的利用在我国已经被提到了议事日程上来。Nowadays, the utilization of the rock salt cavities has become an agenda in China.

以上各项没有一项列入本年度全国人民代表大会的议事日程。None of those reforms are on the agenda for this year's National People's Congress.