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也经常有关于固氮螺菌接种剂效果不好或没有效果的报道。Often there are poor or no responses to Azospirillum inocula.

矿质氮对豆类作物生物固氮和产量的影响是一个复杂的问题。Effect of mineral N on legume BNF and yield is a complex issue.

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菌根起着固氮和贮氮的作用。Mycorhizae perform the function of nitrogen fixation and storage.

在农业中应用固氮作用的前景良好。The prospect of employing nitrogen fixation in agriculture is promising.

用乙烯为探针研究了固氮酶中N2的键合位。Ethylene was used as a probe to detect the N2-binding site in nitrogenase.

钼是豆科作物固氮酶复合体组成的必需元素。Molybdenum is an essential element consisting of nitrogenase enzyme complex.

这样他们保证可以从生物固氮充分得到便宜的氮。In this way they can ensure adequate N is inexpensively available through BNF.

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相思树是我国南方一种对土壤适应性强,根瘤固氮的速生树种。Acacia is a kind of fast growing wood that strongly fit for soil in south China.

缺钼大豆的光合作用和固氮酶活性降低。The photosynthesis and the azotaseactivity were decreased in Mo deficient soybean.

经固氮酶活性测定,PA19、PA2和PK1菌株具有较强的固氮酶活性。The results showed that PA19, PA2 and PK1 strains had high nitrogenase activities.

本文讨论了在温和条件下从空气进行化学固氮的问题。Chemical nitrogen fixation from the air under mild conditions is discussed in this paper.

硅酸盐细菌有很强的解钾能力,同时还有解磷和固氮能力。Silicate bacterium has the strong ability of dissolving K, P and the ability of fixing N.

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从宁夏枸杞根际筛选出适合宁夏气候特点和固氮特性表现较好的有益工程菌株。The study aimed to select the best beneficial bacteria from the Ningxia Lycium barbarum L.

一些浮游植物可以通过固氮在硝酸盐含量较低的地区生长。Some phytoplankton can fix nitrogen and can grow in areas where nitrate concentrations are low.

本文对巴西固氮螺菌固氮基因的结构和调控进行综述。The structure and regulation of nif genes in Azospirllum brasilense is reviewed in this article.

交叉结瘤试验发现,它既可以在苜蓿上又能在大豆上结瘤固氮。Nodulation experiments showed that both soybean and alfalfa were nodulated by XJ96077 effectively.

除增加根瘤的数目和根瘤重量、提高根瘤的固氮活性外,还能延长根瘤的固氮时期,提高籽实的产量。So, it prolongated the stage of N_2-fixing of soybean nodule and increased the soybean grain yield.

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本课程之目的,在使学生瞭解生物固氮作用的分类、构造、功能以及应用。Introduce the classfication, structure, function and application of biological fixation of nitrogen.

为了模拟生物固氮,对固氮酶进行了一系列的研究。In order to simulated biological nitrogen fixation, a series of studies on nitrogenase are proceeded.

实践证明,生物固氮是大面积提高土壤肥力的一项有效措施。The biological azotification has been proved as an effective way to fertilize soils through practice.