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但是,假如你休止发短信息,我会宰了你。But, if u stop sending msgs, I'll kill you.

我一定要唱一首永远永远不休止的歌。I´d play a song that would never, ever end.

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休止期的头发,发根停止生长。Telogen is theterminal stage of root growth.

甚至还有一个名称的话,休止期臭气。There's even a name for it, Telogen Effluvium.

经过一段时间的休止之后锁定待机手机Lock idle devices after a period of inactivity.

立法机关提议休止目前的会议。The legislature moved to prorogue the present session.

这种情况称为休止期沴结果增加头发下降。This condition called telogen effluvium results increased hair fall.

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让一切争辨和倾轧休止,登上赴圣地的征途吧!Let all argue and rest on the rivalries, the journey to the holy land!

生长期臭气和休止期脱发是暂时性脱发的其他类型。Anagen effluvia and telogen effluvia are other types of temporary hair loss.

是使机械中的运动件休止或减速的机械零件。Is the mechanical movement in pieces of mechanical parts restless or slowed down.

这可能会导致休止期脱发,即我们上面提到的迅速脱发。This may lead to telogen effluvium, a shedding of the hair that we mentioned above.

但是,毛囊处于退行期和休止期增长阶段不太色素。However, hair follicles that are in catagen or telogen growth phases are less pigmented.

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休止期臭气的特点是突然脱发的中断所造成的正常头发生长周期。Telogen effluvium is an abnormal loss of hair due to alteration of the normal hair cycle.

休止期脱发数量增加毛囊进入休息状态时发生。Telogen Effluvium occurs when an increased number of hair follicles enter the resting state.

最后——最该强调的,我究竟做了些什么,使生活成了无休止的苦斗?Finally—and most emphatically —What had I done to deserve a life of such continuing struggle?

詹姆斯的问题在于没有赢得一个总冠军是他的一个永不休止的故事。The problem with LeBron James not winning his first NBA championship is a never-ending story.

美利坚合众国毫无休止的版图扩张最终导致了墨西哥-美国之战。One result of the continued expansion of United States territory was the Mexican-American war.

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重点介绍了休止编织法的特点、实现方法,以及在横机成型编织中的应用。It focuses more on the specialty of the skill and the process of how to turn it into production.

他感觉到内心有一种永不休止的冲动、欲求和贪婪,就像毒蛇噬咬着他的心。He felts continual impulse and craving and greed, something like a serpent gnawing into his heart.

如果排除一切阻力,那么球或汽车就会永不休止地运动下去。If all the opposing forces were removed, the ball or the car would continue to travel without end.