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异读是古汉语的一个重要语音现象。Different reading is an important voice phenomenon of ancient Chinese.

我们对于一些新约的圣经段落有着‘异读’。There are some passages in the New Testament in which we have 'variant readings.

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这些有着‘异读’的段落并不影响圣经的教义。In those passages where there is a variant reading, no doctrine of Scripture is affected.

第三章“延川方言的文白异读与语音层次”。Chapter Three Literal and Colloquial Pronunciations and Phonetic Layers in Yanchuan Dialect.

第二章简要描写分析了全州县才湾话的文白异读。Chapter II briefly describes analysis of Quanzhou County, Caiwan dialect's Wen and Bai reading.

圣经所有的手抄本在多年历经手抄的过程中出现了一些异读。All of the copies of the Bible have some variant readings which happened during hand copying over the years.

我们认为汉语中大量的异读原来主要是形态音变的反映。Sound change is one of the important aspects of language variation, which is very common both in English and Chinese.

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我们需要查考一下手抄本和译本对于‘异读’都说了什么,从而使得我们决定圣经原文文本说了什么。We need to examine what copies and translations show us about variant readings so as to determine what the original text said.

准确掌握多音异读字是人们规范认读汉字的关键。The command of the accurate pronunciation of polyphonic characters is the key to the standardization of Chinese character pronunciation.

一是文白异读具有较强的系统性,这种系统性可以从三个方面来理解,并且系统性不应当被推至极至。Firstly it has quite strong systematically. The systematically can be caught on from three aspects and should not be dealt with supremely.

然而事实上,异读现象在艺术行为中是不可避免的,甚至说,在某种意义上,是不必避免的。However in fact, the Individual explanation phenomenon in the artistic behavior is inevitable, even said that in some sense, does not need to avoid.

本文从语言演变的角度论述了古今汉语异读字的成因、发展及规范等若干问题。This paper has illustrated many issues such as the reasons, development and norms of ancient and modern Chinese from the angle of language evolution.

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成语中存在“异读”现象,这些“异读”对成语的理解和运用影响极大。Variant pronunciations of some ancient tones can be found in the Chinese idioms that they have a great impact on the understanding and the use of the idioms.

第二章描写分析了筻口镇的文白异读和部分韵摄的文白层次。The second chapter describes and analyses literary reading and colloquial reading and the layers of literary reading and colloquial reading on some characters.

闽语的文白异读现象引人注目,已有多位学者从不同的地区方言材料出发著文探讨。The literal and colloquial phenomena in Mm dialect have invoked the interests of the academia, and subsequent discussions on different sub-groups of the dialect.

闽语的文白异读现象引人注目,已有多位学者从不同的地区方言材料出发著文探讨。The literal and colloquial phenomena in Min dialect have invoked the interests of the academia, and subsequent discussions on different sub-groups of the dialect.

井陉方言的单字音系和北京话有很大的不同,语流音变尤其是连读变调十分复杂,文白异读字很多。It differs greatly from Beijing dialect in term of phoneme, which is mainly displayed in its complex continuous tone-changes, and various variant pronunciations in modern and classical texts.