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时髦奢华的阿比让已成为西非纸醉金迷的迷魂窟。Chic flash abidjan has become the siren of west africa.

人们常常说说好莱坞就是“纸醉金迷的高中”。It is often said that Hollywood is high school with money.

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在纸醉金迷的生活中冥想仍是我每天的功课。Immersed in this colourful life, meditation is still my daily work.

但这纸醉金迷的浮华生活也有黑暗的一面。But there was a dark side to this world of gold and luxurious living.

夜晚的香榭丽舍纸醉金迷,华灯初上的夜巴黎只是一个梦。Paris is burning all night long. My heart is dreaming, but Paris is screaming.

这个坐落在香港附近的小城市是亚洲赌博和纸醉金迷般的娱乐之都。The tiny city next door to Hong Kong is Asia’s capital of gambling and decadent fun.

在这灯红酒绿的街头,我迷失在这纸醉金迷的世界里了!In this debauchery's street corner, I lost in this wanton and luxurious living world!

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这种情况这个纸醉金迷的城市是很少发生的,但是因为物价的上涨使得骚动愈演愈烈。Rarely for this asset-obsessed city, the mob was furious because prices were going up.

盖茨比信奉这盏绿灯,这个一年年在我们眼前渐渐远去的、纸醉金迷的未来。Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us.

差不多咱们都有强烈的欲望取证比实际需要多得多的钱,从而去过纸醉金迷的生活。Just about all of us have this great desire to make more money than we need to live comfortably.

新感觉派作家一边刻画着都市的纸醉金迷的生活,一边为都市的罪恶梦魇所困扰。New-sense authors are depicting a luxury and dissipation life, and also disturbed by villainous nightmare.

三分之二的人类正苦于营养不良,而我们自己的上流社会却穷奢极欲,纸醉金迷。While two-thirds of mankind suffers undernourishment, our own upper classes revel amidst superfluous abundance.

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纸醉金迷的上海滩缘分使然,锦绣与左震相遇了。The Shanghai beach lot of live a luxury and dissipation life makes like that, samite and left shake encountered.

罪恶之城的“无脑”排名第五,从它的纸醉金迷到琢磨不定——这些仅仅是看人的表象而已。Sin City is a no-brainer for the top 5, from the flashy to the freaky—and those are just the people watching the shows.

忘记了真正的想要的是什么,物欲横流的面前,保持自己内的心冷静,不要艳羡纸醉金迷的生活。Forget the true what is wanted, materialistic before, keep their inner heart calm down, don't envy lead a voluptuous life life.

而在纸醉金迷不夜天地工业社会,册本当得上是一副清冷剂,地道地阅读会让人感应安宁与安好。The night is not a false picture in the days of industrial society, when a book is a refresher, simply reading the serene feel and quiet.

为了掩饰内虚,大造形象工程,高楼林立,霓虹闪耀,高臀肥乳,纸醉金迷,觥筹交错,人肉兽宴。In order to hide inside virtual, big made image project buildings standing, neon twinkle, high hip fat milk, blood, will flesh beast feast.

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人们只要去看看MTV或主流的广播电台,就能听到弥漫着“纸醉金迷”的歌充斥着电波。One need not look further than MTV or mainstream radio stations where songs filled with “booty and bling” consistently permeate the airwaves.

正因为有这位将军,有JOHN这样的“飞虎队”粉丝,我们才在纸醉金迷中见到了一份值得缅怀的追忆。It is precisely because of the general, JOHN such a "Flying Tigers" fans, we see in a materialistic society full of recollections worth recalling.

故事跟随一个年轻的毒品贩子走入这些富家子弟纸醉金迷的生活,毒品、性、谎言、谋杀,如同一个漩涡把人卷入……A young drug dealer watches as his high-rolling life is dismantled in the wake of his cousin's murder, which sees his best friend arrested for the crime.