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本店有着自产自销,专来批发、零售。Shop has a homegrown, designed to wholesale, retail.

自产自销,减少中间环节,价格更优惠。Homegrown, reduce intermediate links, the price is more favorable.

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自产自销,减少中间环节,价格更优惠。Self-marketing, reduce the intermediate links, the price more favorable.

国内顶尖专利技术,自产自销,设备价低。The country's top patent technology, homegrown, lower cost of equipment.

我们拥有自己的农业生产基地,属自产自销型。We have ourselves agricultural producing field and we sell the mushroom by ourself.

小岛上自产自销的食物显然并不足以供应这些人群。Obviously there is not enough food produced on the island itself, to feed these hordes.

公司自产自销,价格合理,交货及时。The product is with reliable qualitily, reasonable price and timely delivery guaranteed.

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本商厦食品部自即日起每天供应自产自销鲜奶蛋糕。From now on, the food counters are going to serve you with self-produced fresh milk cakes.

本司在无锡设生产厂,自产自销,高品质!The Division set up manufacturing plant in Wuxi, self-produced self-marketing, high-quality!

浦江县振华水晶工艺品店是一家自产自销水晶工艺品厂。Zhenhua Pujiang Crystal Crafts Shop is a self-production and marketing crystal handicraft factory.

从长远的利益考虑,鼓励自产自销是基本立足点。It is also encouraging the purchase and consumption of local produce, communicating its long-term benefits.

食物是一个非常敏感的话题,对政府来说人们自产自销食物的确是件很难为情的事。Food is way too sensitive an issue, and people growing and selling their own food is a real sore spot with the regime.

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沃尔特决定铤而走险,利用自己的学识研制毒品,然后自产自销。Woerte decides risk danger in desperation, the knowledge that uses oneself develops drugs, produce oneself next sell oneself.

自产自销的“冠多公司”在黎巴嫩成立。主要产品为硬糖、果冻和杏仁蛋白软糖。Gandour is established as a factory store in Lebanon. The Initial product lines are Hard Boiled Candies, Loukoum and Marzipan.

这也许只是一时的实用主义,但反应了一些拥有国际业务的银行在自产自销的商业战略上的改变。This may just be current pragmatism, but it reflects homegrown changes in business strategies by banks with international reach.

为了不给母亲带来更多的经济负担,她“自产自销”画的画或制作的贺年片。In order not to bring more economic burden on her mother's shoulder, she drew paintings or made festival cards and then sold them.

Twitter将和广告代理和广告主进行合作开发该项目,但也打算开发自产自销的模式。Twitter will work with ad agencies and buyers to seed the program, but plans on moving to a self-serve model, like Google offers, down the road.

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并且大部分食物都在本地自产自销,所以碘较少的地区就会出现碘缺乏和甲状腺肿大。And because historically most of the food consumed was locally grown, the inhabitants of iodine-poor regions tended to develop iodine deficiency, and goiters.

中国热衷于粮食的自给自足,包括很少进口或出口,仅靠中国内部自产自销的玉米。China’s national obsession with self-sufficiency in food includes corn, another crop that is grown and consumed entirely in China with minimal imports or exports.

本司主要自产自销礼品包装,提供各行业礼品包装设计、印刷及后工序一条龙服务。Ltd is a private company of product development, design and manufacture, sales management, after-sales service, commitment to cutting-edge, fashion packing industry.