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神言出必行,祂永远信守承诺。God always keeps his word.

他必须信守合同。He must abide by the contract.

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一个人应当信守诺言。One should keep to one's promise.

一个男子汉应该信守诺言。A man should stand to his promise.

他喜欢信守中庸之道。He likes to stick to a happy medium.

该公司信守协议。The company abides by the agreement.

你得信守诺言。You have to deliver it on your promises.

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我们必须信守正义的原则。We must hold to the principles of justice.

就在同时,他也要信守他对其他人的忠诚。But Eragon owes his loyalty to others, too.

任何人都应当尊重合同,信守诺言。One must honor his contract and keep his word.

爱神,造孽!若其信守誓言。And Love, be false! if _he_, too keep one oath.

在有一方面,纽哈斯还信守传统。In one respect Neuharth conformed to tradition.

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信守自己的诺言,是风臣人最初的本心。Keep your promise, his first heart is the wind.

政府信守他们的竞选誓约。The government stuck to their election pledges.

上帝信守在伯特利对雅各的许诺。God was true to promise made to Jacob at Bethel.

我要以诚待人,要信守承诺。I will treat people sincerely and keep my promises.

我不做威胁、我信守诺言,因为我是你们的主权者。I make no threats I keep Promises AS YOUR SOVEREIGN.

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如果你想要一个信守承诺的男人,那你得在精神病院找找看。If you want a committed man, look in a mental hospital.

这是几代美国人一直信守的承诺。That's a promise each generation of Americans has kept.

在任何情况下我们都应该信守诺言。We should stand by our promises under any circumstances.