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对了,想知道我对那位朋友的离别赠言吗?Oh, my parting advice to my friend?

经验赠言怎么样,例如旅行经验?What about experiential gifts, like trips?

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他尤其欣赏她的临别赠言。He particularly warmed to her parting shot.

我以极大的兴趣聆听你的赠言。I listened to your presentation with great interest.

那盒卡带上录着好朋友给她的临别赠言。That tape recorded the parting advice from her best friends.

身心灵向她的男朋友给了突然的临别赠言。Spirit of body and mind gave abrupt parting advise to her boy friend.

我用一个伟大法国人睿智的言辞作为给你们的临别赠言采。And with these wise words of a very great Frenchman I bid you farewell.

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幸好主耶稣的临别赠言,令门徒如释重负。In his farewell address the Lord Jesus put the disciples' minds at ease.

生日卡通常摆在桌面,每个人都可以拿来看,阅读上面的赠言。Birthday cards are usually displayed on the table for everybody to see and read.

愿我的临别赠言是一把伞,能为你遮挡征途上的烈日与风雨。May my valediction is an umbrella, you can block the sun and wind and rain on the journey.

总有一天我要和您谈谈我们离别的情形、临别时的赠言。Some day I will tell you about our farewells and all that we said to each other as we parted.

对于那些怀疑全球艾滋病议程重要性的人,科克先生有有一句临别赠言。For anyone who doubts the importance of the global AIDS agenda, Mr. Kolker has a parting message.

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要是换做我,这趟探寻消极性之旅的临别赠言或许会更积极一些。If it were up to me, the parting message of this exploration of negativity would be more positive.

与人之间的相互交往,往往通过赠物赠言传递情意。People often transmit their affection through presenting something or advise in their intercourse.

他给我的临别赠言是,去分享我所学到的东西,去向所有需要的人传授这门技艺。His parting words to me were to share what I had learned and to spread the art to all who wanted it.

象王说完这番离别赠言之后就转身回到自己安全而隐密的家。With these parting words, the gentle elephant turned around and went back to his safe and secret home.

为了在世界上努力发挥自己的作用,热爱人生吧!这是握别时留给你的赠言。In order to exert yourself to the utmost in the world . love your life! these are my parting words for you.

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许多即将毕业的学生就会借助我们的广播俱乐部,向他们的好朋友和老师留下临别赠言。At the end of the school year, many students who are graduating use our club to give messages to their close friends and teachers.

您是否也想开运招财过龙年呢?龙年年书上架了,通过网上订购,将获得亲笔签名与赠言。Do you ever wonder to have a prosperity year in 2012? The new book is launched, buy through online may get an autograph on the book.

这一系列T恤的卖点是明星的鼓励赠言,比如奥兰多•布鲁姆的“我们同舟共济,共克难关”。The T-shirts feature words of encouragement from the celebrities, such as “Through Struggle We Unite and Overcome” from Orlando Bloom.