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Imeem能够扭转乾坤吗?Can Imeem turn it around?

其实小小的转变就可以扭转乾坤。Just this little twist can make all the difference.

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挑战,无他,仅是一次扭转乾坤的机会。A challenge is nothing but an opportunity turned upside down.

我愤怒,略带沮丧,但我更求胜心切。我强烈地期望扭转乾坤。I am angry, a little sad and willing fiercely to revert this situation.

在萨拉弥斯海战中,地米斯托克利也是靠着类似的招数才扭转乾坤Similarly, in naval battles Themistocles at Salamis comes up with a clever device.

如果我们要扭转乾坤,那么我们都必须负起责任,齐心协力。We've all got to accept responsibility and pull together if we are to turn things around.

可是,等到奥巴马总统意识到他必须扭转乾坤的时候,他的政治资本或许早已耗尽。And by the time Mr. Obama realizes that he needs to change course, his political capital may be gone.

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去年此时,公司赤字连连,想要扭转乾坤的任务实在令人怯步。Last year at this time, the company was awash in red ink and the turn around task ahead was daunting.

就因为他没有去扭转乾坤,去把他的女儿从一个不爱她的女人手里夺回来。It was because he had not overturned the earth to take his daughter away from a woman who did not love her.

失去了兑现2010承诺的机会,我们已经没有多少时间来扭转乾坤。We've already lost our chance to meet the promise of 2010 — and we don't have much time left to turn things around.

但是近代历史表明,技术能够瞬息万变,因此微软想要扭转乾坤尚为时未晚。But recent history shows that technology can turn on a dime, so it’s not too late for Microsoft to turn things around.

在失败的神经元争斗中,通过努力聚焦在失利图像上的方式,测试者通常能扭转乾坤,塞尔夫说。In the midst of a losing neuron duel, subjects could often turn the tide by focusing hard on the fainter image, Cerf says.

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扭转乾坤是可能的,但对新手来说不太可能,除非能得到一名经验丰富的敏捷教练的帮助和支持。Turn-around stories are possible, but they are not for beginners unless you have the help and support of an experienced Agile coach.

更多的是身处低层的普通公务员,他们无望脱身,也无力扭转乾坤,目睹上司的种种作为,只感到痛苦和幻灭。Beneath them are many more who have no hope of getting out, but – bitter and disillusioned by the behaviour of their superiors – are unable to turn things around.

"但如果日本央行也提供额外信贷,人们可能会开始再次使用日圆,那麽将扭转乾坤,"Corrigan表示."But people could start using the yen again if the Bank of Japan is led into helping to provide extra credit and if that happens all bets are off," Corrigan said.

哪怕生活中挥之不去的不快和困难将你重重包围,让你力不从心,但你仍然可以尽力而为。积累点滴努力,最终将扭转乾坤。Even when you feel as though there isn't a lot you can do to change unhappiness or problems , you can always do a little at a time eventually makes a big difference.

它扭转乾坤的翻身传奇暂且不表,凭借创新型设计、眼花缭乱的媒体内容和APP软件及其所有产品中散发的纯净性感,都使得这家公司的魅力锐不可当。In addition to its business turnaround, its innovative design, and its media content and apps, the unadulterated sexiness of all its products makes Apple hard to resist.

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哪怕生活中中挥之不去的不快和困难将你重重包围,让你力不从心,但你仍可以尽力而为。累积点滴努力,最终你将扭转乾坤。Even when you feel as though there isn't a lot you can do to change unhappiness or problems, you can always do a little-and a little at a time eventually makes a big difference.

虽然我们可能会想起来做点什么、带来一些小小的变化,我们实在不知道我们是否能够扭转乾坤,并且我们还担心无论如何已经为时已晚!While we may think of something to do that might make a small amount of change, we really don't know if we can make a big enough difference.And we fear that it will all be too late anyway!