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无力的,恩。Powerless. Uh huh.

可是,她太虚弱了,虚弱到无力反抗。Too weak to defend herself.

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你灰心丧气,感到无力。You feel deflated. Enervated.

突然想起一个人是这么的苍白无力A sudden thought of one so pale

他以微弱的声音作无力的辩解。He bleated out a feeble excuse.

他因癌症缠身而日见衰弱无力。He seems to be dying from cancer.

展示那苍白无力的明月。By the side of the pale-faced moon.

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当我无力时你就是我的力量之源。You were my strength when was weak.

他父亲无力偿还欠账。His father could not meet his bills.

关于特制标枪很无力的观点我同意。I agree with you on the pilum thingy.

我浑身无力感觉我的手就象两只轻飘的气球。My hands felt just like two balloons.

你是一个无力偿债的破产者?。Are you an unrehabilitated insolvent ?

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他挖呀挖呀,直挖得双臂酸软无力。He dug and dug until his arm gave out.

他们无力装备自己的军队。They can't afford to equip their army.

为什么我的腰老是酸而无力?。Why my waist often acerbity and faint?

我能做到这一点,我对自己说谎无力。I can do this, I lied to myself feebly.

我因疼痛兴发烧而变得全身无力。I was lefthelpless with pain and fever.

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你的双腿和脚掌感到非常地沉重和无力。Your legs and feet feel heavy and limp.

犬儒主义并不总是这样令人无力。Cynicism wasn't always so disempowering.

这睡,而是让人不适的衰弱无力。This wasn't sleep but a strange languor.