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它有一大堆的铆钉过于。It has a bunch of rivets too.

螺丝,螺帽及铆钉制造业“,”Screw, Nut and Rivet Manufacturing.

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铆钉与平板贴合。The rivets bed against the flat plate.

每个铆钉只需要一两分钟的事。Each rivet only takes a minute or two to do.

两个金属铆钉在大袋鼠口袋上。Two large kangaroo pockets with metal rivets.

我的时间,以达到每一个铆钉从内。I took the time to hit every rivet from the inside.

另外,此剑柄上并无按簧,那是一个铜铆钉。Besides, there's no reed on hilt, but a copper rivet.

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扁圆头半空心铆钉。铆钉直径尺寸2到5毫米。Oval head semi-tubular rivets. Pin diameters 2 to 5mm.

戴维斯发明了牛仔裤的铆钉的过程。Davis had invented a process for making rivets for jeans.

布鲁克斯车座历来都是用小铆钉。Historically, Brooks Saddles were made with small rivets.

圆头铆钉。与其他铆钉端点结合使用。Round head rivet. Use in conjunction with other rivet ends.

铆钉钉头状况良好,并无过度磨损。The rivet heads are in good condition and without abrasion.

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螺栓、螺母、开口销及铆钉都是常用紧固件。The bolt, nut, cotter pin and rivet are all common fastener.

浪形的两部分由铆钉固定,用于高负荷运行的轴承。Two wave-shaped in part by the rivets, bearings for high load operation.

我第一次执行任务的机组人员合影,飞机是波音RC-135,也称“铆钉接头”。Crew photo from my first deployment. The Plane is a RC-135 "Rivet Joint."

可更多细小的裂痕却在这两个钉入铆钉的位置向钟的顶部延伸。A more subtle fracture now snakes from the rivets to the crown of the bell.

此合金通常用于机身,且用铆钉固定。This alloy is commonly used in airframes, where it is almost always riveted.

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在制作,我铆接尾随的优势,与我的手铆钉挤压。During fabrication , I riveted the trailing edge with my hand rivet squeezer.

高质量的铆钉或更厚一些的外壳也许能使船舶在海面上呆得更久些。Higher-quality rivets or a thicker hull might have kept the ship afloat longer.

要么,或前板锯起飞后复位与铆钉。Either that, or the front panels were sawed off and later reattached with rivets.