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这里,是我的一个自留地。My secret is in here, so much.

小面积自留地在中国存在了2000年。Small private plots had existed in China for 2, 000 years.

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农民们吃着自家自留地里种出的粮食,感到无比高兴。The farmers feel extremely happy when eating the grain produced by their private plots.

宅基地和自留地、自留山,也属于集体所有。house sites and privately farmed plots of cropland and hilly land are also owned by collectives.

第二部分论述了自留地经营在我国农业集体化时期存在与发展的历史必然性。The second part discusses the Individual Plots management about the inevitability to its existence.

第三部分分析了农业集体化时期自留地经营发展变化的历程及其特点。The third part analyzes the development process and its characteristics of the Individual Plots management.

人们发现了自己种植农产品的乐趣之后,英国各地的花园和自留地都付诸使用。Gardens and allotments across the UK have been put to use as people discover the joys of home-grown produce.

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另外,自留地经营制度对我国现阶段农村土地经营制度也提供了十分有益的借鉴。The present country plot management draw some beneficial lessons from the Individual Plots management system.

农村居民在房前屋后、自留地、自留山种植的林木,归个人所有。Trees planted by rural inhabitants around their houses and on private plots of cropland and hilly land shall be owned by themselves.

这时候各家自留地种的土豆还末成熟,人们只好将还末长大的土豆刨出来充做口粮。At this time the plots for the potato is also the end of mature, people had to grow potatoes will also end plane out filled do rations.

1988年戈尔巴乔夫颁布的法令中规定,俄罗斯农民可以从国家租借自留地,期限为50年。The deal that Gorbachev offered his farmers in 1988 was that they could have their own plots of land with 50-year leases from the state.

采用自留地,合作耕种和小农工业来稳定这些农村人口的努力并不成功。Efforts to stabilize these rural populations with subsistence homesteads, cooperative farming, and small rural industries were not successful.

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在1956—1984年我国农业集体化时期,广大农村同时存在着自留地经营制度。From 1956 to 1984 when the collectivization of agriculture was underway in China, the private-plot system remained to exist in the rural areas.

自留地户外英语角成立了,让我们一起来把英语说的更棒,认识更多的朋友,学习更多的知识。Ourfield. cn founds English corner today, will provide the good platform for more English fans. Let's practise more, learn more, and know more friends.

伯父说的四十亩地,我是知道的,是指我家以前自留地,后来我们全家搬往县城,就把家里的所有的田地都给了伯父一家耕种。Uncle said forty acres of land, I know, is my former private plots, we later the family moved to the county, the home of all fields to uncle home farm.

老百姓越来越有钱了,装修也越来越懂,对装修辅材使用也开始关心起来,辅材不再是工头工人的“自留地”。People more and more rich, decoration is also increasingly understand, of DPM decoration use also began to care, DPM is no longer the foreman workers "plot".

这种情况发展下去很可能使心理健康诊所成为中产阶级的自留地,就像已经在美国社会某些集团内印证的那样。It is even possible we will see such therapeutic sessions become a regular sanctuary for China's middle class, much as has been the case in the US in some areas of society.

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他说,乡下人就像模子里刻出来的,在他们的自留地里乱挖一气,或者在泥浆里面挖青蛙,从事着肮脏,没什么竞争性的工作,为嫉妒,贪婪和物欲所驱动He says,"provincials are like mold, burrowing in their little plots, or frogs at the bottom of their puddles, engaged in sordid, trivial rivalries, moved by petty jealousies, avarice and material interests.