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你太性急了。You are impatient.

请你不必这样性急。Not so hasty, if you please.

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当然你不要性急啊!Of course you don't hothead!

“哦它是你!”兔性急地说。Oh it's you! " said Hare irritably ."

性急的人做愚蠢的事。A quick-tempered man does foolish things.

别让他开车,他是一个鲁莽性急的人…Don't let him drive the car. He is a hothead.

不要那么性急!你会发生意外的。Don't be so hotheaded. You'll have an accident.

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性急的人行事往往基于自己的情绪。An impatient person often acts based on emotions.

还是你有了个性急的丈夫,在等你?Or do you have some fretting husband waiting for you?

一个容易愤怒的人被叫做“性急的人”。A person who becomes angry easily is called "a hothead".

土耳其在背后捅了俄罗斯一刀。埃尔多安是一个性急的人。Turkey stabbed Russia in the back. Erdogan is a hothead.

过度性急的人和懒惰的人一样让人讨厌。Just as bad as lazy workers are the painfully over-eager ones.

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伊丽莎白性急地从他手里接过信来。吉英也赶上来了。Elizabeth impatiently caught it from his hand. Jane now came up.

性急,不明智、缺乏理性、过于谨慎或害怕。Hastiness, imprudence, unreasoning caution or fear, emotional immaturity.

很快,性急的阿波罗借着云彩的掩护来到了底比斯城外。Before long, the impatient Apollo arrived outside Thebes in hidden clouds.

当众议院性急火燎地通过一项法案,参议员使它冷下来。When the House passes a bill in hotheaded haste, the Senate cools it down.

他不会坚持己意,也不会性急易怒。He will not merely insist on his own way and he must not be quick-tempered.

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宽容的人最为性急,耐受力强的人最不宽容。Tolerance were the most impatient, strong tolerance are the most intolerant.

当办公室压力高涨到顶峰的时候,他就知道该让办公室里性急的人出去透透气了。When office stress hits its peak, he knows the hothead to take out of the office.

司机们又开始出现在马路上,他们不仅仅担心路面上的冰,还害怕其他性急的驾车者。Drivers, fearing not just the ice but other brash Texans driving on it, are beginning to emerge again.