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关于张榜单也同样存在着一场竞赛。This list also includes a competition.

队员名单将于今天张榜公布。The names of the members of the team will be posted up today.

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从这张榜单中,是否能看清我们自己作为人类的本性?Does this list tell us anything about ourselves as human beings?

2008年领跑这张榜单的公司是谷歌,但现在苹果已经大大超出了谷歌。In 2008, Google was leading this list, but now Apple has surpassed it by quite some margin.

官员们将那些符合条件可以享受渔船、渔网和住房补偿的户主名单登记在册,并在村里的墙上张榜公布。Lists of those eligible for boats, nets, and housing were prepared and posted on village walls.

学生还可在张榜前向校方申请不公布的名字和成绩。They will also be able to apply to have their names and grades removed from the list before it is pinned up.

他说,有个慈善家曾表示在经融危机这个特殊时期把她的名字张榜在馈赠人名单上是不合时宜的。He said one philanthropist felt that slapping her name on a large gift during times of crisis would seem 'unseemly and gauche. '

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这本书在这张榜单上的位置数一数二,无人质疑它是美国历史上最具影响力的书籍。This was almost number one, but even at 2, no one can argue that this was one of the most influential books in American history.

因此,如果你想安全的吃晚餐,你吃每一口的时候都要注意这张榜单上美味食物均携带着一种危险的毒素。So, just when you thought it was safe to eat your dinner, here's a list of tasty foods that carry an element of danger with every bite.

居委会对其填写的申请表进行调查核实,并以居委会为单位张榜公布保障对象名单,接受群众监督。Neighborhood committees shall implementing investigation and verification of the filled application form and post the list of guarantee object and accept supervision of mass.