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白纱礼服和罩纱。A white dress and veil.

礼服出租店。The tuxedo rental store.

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是否穿礼服自便。Formal dress is optional.

我会一席白礼服去见你。I'll be the one in white.

她穿着一件时髦的礼服。She wears a modern dress.

田野穿上多彩的礼服。The field as carlet gown.

华丽的拖地礼服。Gorgeous floor-length gown.

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爱是当你的人穿着军礼服时!Love is your man in uniform.

晚上穿的一种非常正式的礼服。A gown cut on princesse lines.

我希望雕像是穿一身礼服的。I want a tuxedo on the statue.

这一场合要求穿礼服。His clothes befit the occasion.

新娘穿着雪白的礼服。The bride was attired in white.

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安妮穿上了结婚礼服。Annie puts the wedding dress on.

干吗不穿结婚礼服?Why not wear your wedding-dress?

宫廷礼服,为我们的宴会准备。Court clothes, for all our party.

他身穿黑色礼服,看上去帅气十足,风度翩翩。He looked so handsome in his tux.

一个朋友给她缝制了结婚礼服。One friend sewed her wedding dress.

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她的礼服上有精美的纱拖裙。Her dress had got a fine lace train.

杰姬快乐地为妈妈选择礼服。Jackie happily for mom choose dress.

他们穿礼服真帅呀!They look gorgeous in their full dress.