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人们喜欢吃吃喝喝。People love eating and drinking.

“吃吃喝喝,玩玩乐乐,”一个士兵模仿道。"Eat, drink and be merry, " a soldier imitated.

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他吃吃喝喝过了一生。Eating and drinking, he has passed through his life.

他们放工之后,经常去当地的酒吧吃吃喝喝。They often wine and dine at the local bar after work.

她也确实拿出来吃吃喝喝了。She also really took out to eat a edible and drink to drink.

飘渺的我像一头开心的小猪,每天只知道傻乎乎地吃吃喝喝,玩玩乐乐。I' like a little happy pig, simply eating and playing each day.

吃吃喝喝、说说笑笑一直持续到深夜。The eating, drinking, and merry-making went on late into the night.

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在昨天晚上那样吃吃喝喝之后,我觉得有点昏昏欲睡。I'm feeling rather logy after all that eating and drinking last night.

若死人不复活,我们就吃吃喝喝吧,因为明天要死了。If the dead are not raised, let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.

不过,就像很多中国人一样,沈先生最喜欢的消遣方式还是吃吃喝喝。But, like so many Chinese, his favorite pastime was eating and feasting.

这些休息时段不只是吃吃喝喝而已,也是用来闲聊的。These breaks are not only for eating and drinking but also for chatting.

吃吃喝喝可以帮助我们放松,这也是我们为什么要给婴儿奶嘴。Eating or drinking helps to relax us. That's why we give pacifiers to babies.

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有些同学在唱歌跳舞,而另一些则在吃吃喝喝。Some students were dancing and singing while others were eating and drinking.

如果你抵御不了同伴给你造成的压力,那么请不要和朋友出去吃吃喝喝。If you often succumb to peer pressure, don’t go out for drinks with your friends.

所以,开发商就请这些官员吃吃喝喝,接下来样样事情全好办了。So the developer invites these officials for dinner and drinks, then everything is fine.

他们都吃吃喝喝,做他们的业内事务,吸烟睡觉,无聊闲扯。They all eat and drink, do their office work, smoke and sleep, and chatter nonsensically.

这个政府充斥了彼得的心腹和同党,吃吃喝喝,不务正业,诸如此类的事宜It has personnel who are his buddies, those in favour, lots of eating, drinking, et cetera.

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在展台内吃吃喝喝的话,很容易就会将脏了的餐巾纸,包装纸,塑料瓶,以及其他垃圾都放在展台上,影响坏境。It is easy to spot napkins, wrappers, plastic bottles and other items that are not part of the booth.

的确,过圣诞节并不只是吃吃喝喝,互赠礼物,最重要的就是把圣诞节的精神流传下去。I'm going to try harder to be nice to people and try to keep the true spirit of Christmas in my heart.

邀请一些朋友来自助烧烤。三五好友、吃吃喝喝、一个下午,妙哉妙哉。Invite some friends over for a BBQ. There's nothing better than an afternoon spent with good friends and good food.