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有锁钥可以上锁吗?Does it have a lock?

他所掌有的成对锁钥,这里所讲的对弥尔顿而言非常重要。Two massy Keys he bore of metals twain Now this is important to Milton.

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西诺科技团队相信,奈米科技是通往美好生活的魔法锁钥。We believe that the Nano Technology is a magic key towards a better life.

两京锁钥无双地,万里长城第一关。Two-lock and key unparalleled in Beijing, the Great Wall, the first hurdle.

解开华夏文明的锁钥仍然在中原史前文化中。Prehistoric culture of Central Plains is still the key to researching Huaxia civilization.

因地势险要,素有“两京锁钥无双地,万里长城第一关”之称。Due to difficult terrain, known as "two lock and key unparalleled in Beijing, the Great Wall the first hurdle, " said.

这里是中国丝路文化和长城文化的交汇点,素有“河西重镇”、边陲锁钥“之称。This is the Silk Road Chinese culture and the cultural crossroads of the Great Wall, known as "city of Ha Tay, " Suoyue border.

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这个事件之所以成为西方文明史上的锁钥之章,是因为其结果使得希腊免遭侵略。This event is important in the history of Western Civilization because, through the result of this battle, Greece escaped invasion.

研究“俗民生活”中所蕴含的深刻内容,是把握人类精神世界的锁钥。In this paper it believes that studying the deep connotation of the "folk customs" is the key of understanding the world of human spirit.

本文对这些酶超分子的动力学特性和生物学功能、酶超分子主客体间弱相互作用力、软化学键以及锁钥原理进行了阐述。The molecular weak interactions, the soft chemical bond, the lock and key theory of enzymatic supramolecules were also described in this paper.

这一锁钥机制可以帮助我们解释为什么那些种属非常相近的生物可以维持自己的独特特点,即便有个别的成员有性行为的发生。The lock-and-key mechanism could help to explain how closely related species maintain their separate identities, even when individual members have sex.

由于精子和卵细胞之间的锁钥机制的发现,成千上万的不孕不育夫妇可能不必再承受那毫无结果的体外受精的痛苦和花费。Thousands of infertile couples could be spared the pain, anguish and expense of fruitless IVF treatments, thanks to the discovery of a lock-and-key mechanism between sperm and egg cells.