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玄冥中上帝的存在和浓厚的神恩。For the end of Being and ideal Grace.

茶香奶味,滑香浓厚的口感。Naiwei tea, incense slip strong taste.

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此酒成漂亮深紫色,深邃浓厚。Beautiful purple color of a deep intensity.

他对集邮有浓厚的兴趣。He has a deep interest in stamp-collecting.

他对听力学有浓厚兴趣。He has strong interests in audiology study.

这里的国际文化氛围十分浓厚。There's a huge international culture there.

硬而浓厚的双层毛是一概必需的。A harsh double coat is absolutely necessary.

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这里有一个很浓厚的园艺文化。And it's a big, big culture, gardening here.

她说话经常带浓厚的乡音。She often speaks with a strong local accent.

最后倒上一份香醇浓厚的咖啡。Then ashot of thick coffee is poured on top.

这幅画具有浓厚的民族色彩。This painting had pronounced national color.

此会所环境幽雅,瑜伽氛围浓厚。The environment of Jivatma is quiet for Yoga.

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这部电影同样带有浓厚的喜剧色彩。The film also contains a hefty dose of comedy.

但尽管如此,布朗大学的竞争氛围没那么浓厚,but at the same time it's not that competitive,

一个表达卡拉格浓厚的利物浦口音的笑话。A joke aimed at the defender's deep Scouse accent.

本人是一名中五学生,从小对饲养宠物有浓厚兴趣。I am a F. 5 student who is so fond of keeping pets.

入口后,酒体细腻,有浓厚的奶油香,冰冻引用,风味更加。Fine wine body, a strong butter, frozen tast better.

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二里头遗址存在着浓厚的东方文化因素。There are many east cultural factors in Erlitou site.

外国企业是否如其所言对亚洲兴趣浓厚?Are foreign firms as keen on Asia as they claim to be?

这里有着浓厚、典型的塞北文化气息。It is full of strong and typical Saibei culture tinge.