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为什么呐喊?Why shout loudly?

“会使你想呐喊起来!”“Makes you want to cry!

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圣殿武士在战场上的呐喊声。The battle cry of the Templars.

他们的左边想起了呐喊声。Shouts rang out from their left.

评论?呐喊?最后一次机会。Comments? Outbursts? Last chance.

呐喊中,快来救救我,我忍得快不行了!Cry, come and help me, I got it bad!

用近乎人类的声音发出呐喊。Uttering cries that are almost human.

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浅谈开放的呐喊可以,屁股!Talk about opening a can of whoop-ass!

场上啦啦队的呐喊声一浪高过一浪。Wave upon wave of field cheerleading chants.

透过船长在魔音下的呐喊。Your captain's voice shouts over the loudspeaker.

那是辛多雷消逝的生命无声无息的呐喊!That is the life of Blood Elves disappear silent cry!

我们必须站起来,让全世界听到我们的呐喊声!We must stand up to give our voice to the whole world!

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通过投票、论坛、呐喊模块,甚至CSS制作杂志Make journals with Polls, Forum, Shoutbox, and even CSS

独立电影,脆弱、卑微或歇斯底里的呐喊?Independent films-fragile, ignoble or hysterical scream?

但是在中国,没有呐喊、咆哮和责骂的自由。But in China there is no freedom to shout, rave and rant.

这儿没有城市中的喇叭声和嘈杂的呐喊声。Here there is no city in the horn sound and noisy chants.

井上靖借助孔子来积极为世界和平而呐喊。Inoue Yasushi calls on the World Peace by dint of Confucius.

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港口已经不远,钟声我已听见,万千人众在欢呼呐喊。The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting.

等到哪天不幸降落到我们头上,谁来为我们呐喊?Who will then cry for us when misfortune befalls us one day?

一整场难分轩轾的比赛下来,我们都在大声地欢呼呐喊。Everyone was cheering and shouting throughout the close game.