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上周五中青旅收于22.59元。CYTS closed at 22.59 yuan Friday in Shanghai.

假设五中涉及到的,是些波尔的早期成就。And postulate number five is some of Bohr's early genius.

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钱在文明五中可以用来买许多东西。Gold can be used to buy you many a-thing in Civilization V.

从帽花中可以看出,他是第五中学的学生。From the hat badge, you know he is a student in the No. 5 high school.

太原五中是一所具有光荣革命传统的学校。Taiyuan, the Fifth is one with a glorious revolutionary tradition of the school.

摩托罗拉的Xoom是前五中唯一一款非苹果产品,与ipad一代并列第四。The Motorola Xoom was the only non-Apple tablet in the top five, with a fourth-place ranking.

第五中分析技术很类似但是通过二进制化图像分析了血管分布,而不损坏图像。The fifth technique is similar but analyzes the vasculature by binarizing but not eroding the image.

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五中不同的版本就意味着它不可能是物理学家们所期望的那个包罗万象的理论。Its five different versions meant it couldn't be the all-embracing theory physicists were looking for.

北京五中的陈英老师已经体会到了“尊重教育”带来的好处。Chen Ying, a class teacher from Beijing No. 5 Middle School, has realized the benefits of respect education.

高院决定维持重庆市第五中级人民法院11月3日对谢才萍案的一审判决。The court affirmed the verdict of the first trial made by the Chongqing No.5 Intermediate Court on November 3.

类似的情形,卡特里娜飓风袭击后在两千年五中南部美国。Something similar happened after Hurricane Katrina struck the south central United States in two thousand five.

即使是像大卫罗宾逊,摩西马龙,尤因这样的传奇球员,都不敢说自己绝对是大部分人心中的历史前五中锋啊。Guys like Robinson, Moses and Ewing are legit legends and they don't even crack the top 5 centers list for most people.

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本周,我们回答两个学生有关美国高等教育的一些问题。在我们的留学生系列之五中,他们曾是我们的客人。We answer questions from two students this week in part five of our Foreign Student Series on American higher education.

文明系列的老玩家会注意到,金钱在文明五中扮演了更为重要的角色,特别是在游戏早期。Fans of past games in the series will notice that gold plays a larger role in Civilization V, especially in the early game.

用信息化带动工业化是十五届“五中”全会的重要抉择。To drive industrialization with information technology is a major strategy decided at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th Congress of CPC.

为了更好地想象这种比照,本人们采集了由表格五中样本高像素熄灭温度地图像供给特征温度。To better visualize this correlation, we plotted the characteristic temperatures given in Table 5 on the graphic of sample height versus firing temperature.

本文以江苏省丹阳市第五中学的学生为研究对象,实施历史双语教学研究和探索。In this paper, as a case study, the author chooses the students from No. 5 Middle school of Dan Yang City to implement the bilingual teaching in history class.

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乐其国际英语五中心为大家提供了这样一次机会,现场模拟美式婚礼,让你在学习的环境中感受不同的文化与传统。Lucky International English provided an opportunity for us to feel the American style wedding, making students know different American culture and history from learning surrounding.

但是没有人敢说,我们拥有了这个小行星模型,知道了电子绕原子核运行,现在就要让它使电子处于量化的状态,假设五中波尔的成就是一个跳跃式的进步,假设五中我只需要重申一些东西。But no one dared say we have this little planetary model, I've got an electron orbiting a central nucleus and I am going to endow that electron with quantized states That was a big leap and that was Bohr in postulate five Postulate five I am just going to reproduce.