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又是一年一度的六一儿童节了。It's now Children's Day once again.

农历八月十八是一年一度的观潮日。The annual lunar August 18, tidal bore is.

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一年一度的大活动!一定不要错过!Once-a-year big event! Do not miss out! ! !

答案就是在一年一度的逍遥音乐会。The answer is at the annual Proms concerts.

一年一度的太极湖论坛创立于2009年。Annual too extremely lake forum founds 2009.

Post校区一年一度的颁奖典礼。It is the annual awards ceremony at the C. W.

又到了一年一度我为准备购买电脑的朋友们支招的时候了。It's time for my annual fall PC buyer's guide.

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一年一度的农历六月初六,是羌民族的祭山会。The ceremony is held annually in lunar June 6.

在日本,人们一年一度过“亡灵节”。A Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan.

一年一度的庆典将在埔东图书馆举行。An annual celebration will be held at Pudong library.

拿欧洲一年一度的大型歌唱大赛举个例子。Let’s take the Eurovision Song Contest as an example.

今晚上一年一度的媒体烤肉日开烤了。The annual BRDC media barbecue took place this evening.

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一年一度的田径赛又将来临了。The annual athletic competition is round the corner again.

今天天是个值得纪念的日子,是一年一度的父亲节!Today day is a memorable day, are the annual Father's Day!

她计划到迈阿密海滩支度过一年一度的暑假。She made her plan for her annual hegira to the Miami beach.

一年一度的俄罗斯雕刻大赛在莫斯科拉开序幕。The all-Russia annual carving contest takes place in Moscow.

但如今,这项一年一度的冬季大迁徙被推迟了。These days, though, this annual winter pilgrimage is delayed.

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他受邀在一年一度的花展上颁奖。He was invited to present the prizes at the annual flower show.

工艺允称精绝,一年一度花开。There flawless technics blossomed like flowers year after year.

一年一度的全国两会大幕即将开启。The annual sessions of NPC and CPPCC are just around the corner.