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人们央求政治避难。The people ask for political asylum.

许多在屋顶避难的人被冲走。Some swept away after clinging to rooftops.

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这名犯法者获准在教堂里避难。The outlaw was granted sanctuary in the church.

那个政治叛逃者被一大使馆接纳避难。The political defector was refuged in an embassy.

“黑皮”暂时在表妹和相好的金莉莉家避难。Black temporarily at cousin and good li-li jins asylum.

王子被迫逃入西敏斯特教堂避难。They Prince was forced to take sanctuary at Westminster.

每个避难单元配有厕所和洗澡间。Moreover, each unit comes up with a latrine and bathroom.

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科尔德被允许避难之后,宣传攻势立即升级。Once Cold is granted asylum, the propaganda is dialed up.

在多灾易灾的城乡社区建设避难场所。Shelters will be built where disasters are prone to occur.

是一些来自中欧避难的精神分析专家。were a number of refugee psychoanalysts from central Europe.

他们在天桥下避难,从火中开车逃出来。They'd taken refuge under an overpass to ride out the flames.

在三宝之中避难-这是正确的道路,这是所有的佛的世界。This is the right path, and this is the world of all Buddhas.

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在北京日本领事馆内,避难的人正在吃饭。Japanese refugees at the Japanese Legation, Peking. March 1st 1912.

就在书中,是一份印给所有人的、全世界最好的避难营的蓝图。Right there for all to see was a blueprint of the world's best tipi.

许多人住在学校或临时的路边避难处里。Many are living in school buildings or in makeshift roadside shelters.

在一所学校体育馆中避难的白叟。A man seeks refuge inside a school gymnasium in Natori, March 13, 2011.

鉴于当前情况,他们将继续待在避难场所。Given the current situation, they will continue to stay in the shelter.

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在加拉帕戈斯和复活节岛的人们已采取避难措施。People in the Galapagos and on Easter Island have already taken refuge.

同时他还声明叛乱领导人将在巴基斯坦避难。But he said insurgent leaders have been able to take refuge in Pakistan.

婆婆无奈,只好撇下家,上山避难去了。Mother-in-law no option but to leave home and go up the mountain refuge.