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身为皇帝,死也要顶天立地!An emperor ought to die standing.

而且,更重要的是,你会成为一个顶天立地的人。And-which is more-you'll be a Man!

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他是个顶天立地的英雄。He is a hero of indomitable spirit.

但是那些幸存下来的就顶天立地了。But those that do survive are wondrous.

而且——更重要的是——我的孩子,你是个顶天立地的人!and—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

更重要的是,朋友你是个顶天立地的人!And which is more you'll be a Man my friend!

上帝爱护那些勇敢的顶天立地的人。Be brave and upright that God may love them.

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立是希望好男儿顶天立地。Li is a man of indomitable spirit that good.

这个顶天立地的男人也不禁泪如雨下。The indomitable spirit of man also cant help tears.

他希望借助诗歌顶天立地。He wants to use poetry to stand on his own two legs.

朋友是天,朋友是地,有了朋友可以顶天立地。Friends are days, and a friend's friend can indomitable spirit.

大丈夫活在世上要顶天立地。A great man should live in this world with an indomitable spirit.

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坐北朝南代表顶天立地,财运亨通,风水好。Facing south on behalf of the sky, many fortunes, good Feng Shui.

朋友是天,朋友是地,有了朋友可以顶天立地。The friend is the day, the friend is, with friends of indomitable spirit.

宁愿遭天谴,我也要做一个顶天立地的男人。Rather than by the scourge, I also want to do an indomitable spirit of man.

让生命的风,还山岭一峰青翠,顶天立地。Let the wind of life, but also a peak of green mountains, indomitable spirit.

小男孩们通过大男人的关爱慢慢长成顶天立地的大男人。Small boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about small boys.

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任何一个堂堂正正、顶天立地,都不会也不能回避这一份责任。Anything open and above is a spirit that will not be able to avoid this responsibility.

同一个世界,同一个梦想。让我们为英雄喝彩,他们将带着梦想与骄傲顶天立地。One world, one dream, let us celebrate the powers of our heros who'll rise wite strength and pride.

那一根根顶天立地“大树”散发着知识光芒,洗礼着每一个来此的心灵。These tree-like pillars stand tall, and emit the light of knowledge to indulge every soul comes here.