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我自已学德语的经历可以给你们借镜。You can borrow from my experience in learning German.

生命里,每一次的成败都是未来的借镜。Every failure or success is a glimpse into the future.

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第三部分,惩罚性国家赔偿的域外经验与借镜。The third part is Introduce and Reference of the Foreign Experience.

东沙环礁国家公园也许可以作为其他争议之岛的借镜。Dongsha marine park could be a model for how to handle other disputed islets.

亚洲竞技运动强国,如中国、日本、南韩都有其借镜之处。Other sport powers, such as China, Japan, and South Korea can be our guidance.

课程目标是借镜其他团队在「律师策略模拟练习」的经验,为即将来临的创投谈判预做准备。Goal is to leverage value of other teams' lawyer round experiences in preparing for upcoming VC rounds.

这通常是要借镜其他产业使用的行销构想,然后依自己的需求加以调整。Often, this involves picking up marketing ideas used in other industries and adapting them to your own needs.

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深入分析日本服装设计的成功正可作为我们走出困惑之借镜。The in-depth analysis on the Japanese costume design serves as the reference for us to walk out of the blind alley.

不要只停留在大多数员工已熟悉的习惯领域,这样才能借镜其他领域的新鲜构想。Beyond the habitual domains most of your people are already familiar with so fresh ideas can be cross-pollinated and grafted in.

其发展历程、训练方法、经费补助等成功的因素,或可成为政府或学校欲发展女子垒球时之借镜。Their key factors to success might be good examples for the government or other schools which are willing to develop women's softball.

新加坡的一些作法,特别在与跨国企业建立夥伴关系和用人国际化上,倒是值得我们学习与借镜。Some Singapore's practices we can learn from particularly in partnership with multinational corporations and employers on the internationalization.

以下就是12个网络借镜,提醒我们办公室间的八卦流言及错误消息,是怎么样在片刻间就一传传千里。Here are 12 cautionary online tales that serve to remind us how garden variety office gossip and misinformation can now go global in a split second.

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在菲律宾,以WISE的实际经验为借镜,已发展及应用一套参与性医院废物管理计划。A participatory hospital waste management programme has been developed and applied in the Philippines learning from the practical experiences of WISE.

以色列民的种种经历,可以成为我们人生的借镜,让我们启悟到很多属灵的道理。This book tells us of their experiences and we can learn many lessons from those happenings. Here is historical fact which illustrates spiritual truth.

因中国的环境保护还在萌芽时期,台湾对东沙岛和其他六个国家公园的管理方式可以作为借镜。As China makes its own fledgling efforts at environmental protection, Taiwan's management of Dongsha and its six other protected national parks could be a model.

分析陕北油田定向井施工中发生卡钻事故的原因,提出预防措施,为雷同施工提供借镜。The drill seizure cause during construction in Shanbei oil field oriented well is analyzed and puts forward preventatives for reference for the similar construction.

"我们希望找到发展空间大的市场,特别是若有可以借镜中国经验的相似之处,"刘炽平指出."We want to find markets where there is big potential for growth and particularly if there are similarities we can draw from the experience of China," Lau said in the call.

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于比较法上,主要论述美国契约法及美国联邦政府采购制度,以供我国政府采购制度作为借镜。In respect to comparative law , I introduced the regulations under Common Law and Federal Acquisition Regulations as role models for Taiwanese government procurement system.

个人电脑恶意软体的历史虽然为时不长,但仍是很好的借镜,可协助我们预测手机病毒骇客接下来的方向,并采取预防措施。The history of PC malware is humbling , but it offers lessons that will help us to anticipate some of the ways in which mobile virus writers will strike next and to take steps to thwart them.

最后,根据研究结果讨论工作满足及其相关因素的概念内涵和理论,以及在劳工政策上的意含及就业辅导实务上的借镜。The conceptual framework and theoretical construction of work satisfaction and its correlates, as well as the policy and empirical sevices implications are discussed according to the findings.