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我们必须和先辈们站在一起。We must stand with our fathers.

墙上是巴斯克维尔家族的先辈们的画像。On the walls were the pictures of the Baskervilles of the past.

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继承革命先辈的光荣传统。We inherit the glorious tradition of revolutionary predecessors.

和先辈一样,提提卡卡湖附近的女性还是用手扬谷子。Like their ancestors, women winnow grain by hand near Lake Titicaca.

先辈们的丰碑最能奋勉人心的。The monuments of men's ancestors were the most impressive exhortations.

我们要在酒馆前面玩室外地滚球游戏,象我们的先辈们在我们面前一样。We'll play boccie in front of the wineshop like our fathers before us. '

对于先辈们,他生起一种殊遇之情。Others had been before him-indeed he had a curious sense of companionship.

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多少先辈志士,无畏抒壮举,青史留功绩。The number of ancestors patriots, fearless express feat legacy remain merit.

我说先辈们,对于格言文学来说,在西班牙无论如何都不新奇。I say predecessors, for aphorismic literature at any rate was no novelty in Spain.

先辈们的骨灰盒被安放在室内圣坛的最高一层架子上。The box with the ancestors' ashes was emplaced on the top shelf of the house altar.

上层社会,也是大家心目中的喜欢榨取先辈资本的一个群体。The upper classes, too, were always expected to leech off their ancestors’ capital.

多年以前,我们的先辈齐心协力,不畏艰难,建立了这个国家。Many years ago, our forefathers pulled together and worked hard to build this nation.

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选用椭圆型或圆矩型布局,采用先辈的加工工艺建造而成。Use elliptic or rounded rectincline structure and choose enhanced processing technology.

我们现在的幸福生活都是革命先辈的铁血换来的。Without the indomitable will of the revolutionaries, our happy life would be impossible.

就像推度多米诺骨牌一样,下一代的程序跟随着它的先辈的足迹。Like toppling dominoes, the next generation of programs follows the trend of its ancestors.

由于以色列最早的先辈来自于巴比伦尼亚,他们可能已经知道了这个故事。Since the earliest ancestors of Israel came from Babylonia, they may have known this story.

这些船只有狭长的船体,并和他们的军舰先辈一样使用划桨。These ships had long narrow hulls, and were fitted with oars like their galley predecessors.

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时间是苍老的,因为雾霭是苍老的,即使那时我们先辈的先辈还很年轻。And the times are ancient, for the mist was old even when our grandfathers ' grandfathers were young.

我们的先辈们抛头颅,洒热血,就是为了我们今天的幸福生活。Our forefathers sacrificed their precious lives in exchange for the happy life we are enjoying today.

和纽克拉的其他居民一样,尼斯伦不去谈论先辈的政治观念。Like most Nucla residents, Naslund doesn’t talk about his ancestors in terms of sociopolitical theories.