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在进入性器期之前,性欲一直是被压抑着的。And then, sex is repressed until you get to the genital stage.

我不想说Sabrina的做法就是纯粹的性欲的。I don't want to suggest that Sabrina's work is purely erotic here.

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它只知道,“饿要吃饭,性欲要满足,但其实超我也是盲目的。It just says, "Oh, hungry, food, sex, The superego is also stupid.

本我追求吃喝拉撒,保暖,和性欲的满足。It wants to eat, drink, pee, poop, get warm, and have sexual satisfaction.

是情感传递的问题,触动了男女听众的灵魂和心房,挑起了他们的情绪和性欲。It's a question of expressing feelings that'll touch soul and heart and the emotions, sexuality of the audience.

更大胆的推测则是,经典条件作用,涉及了性欲形式的形成,包括了恋物癖的形成。More speculatively, classical conditioning has been argued to be implicated in the formation of sexual desire, including fetishes.

他推翻了他弟弟所有实际的论点,因为对他来说,贞节不仅仅是简单的禁止性欲。He dismisses his brother's entirely practical argument, because for him chastity is a lot more than a simple exercise of sexual abstinence.

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而你的本我则由赤裸裸的原始欲望构成,包括了疯狂的性欲和攻击欲,如“我要杀了他。So, what's happening is your id is sending up all of this weird, sick stuff, all of these crazy sexual and violent desires, " "Oh, I'll kill him.

弗洛伊德认为,这或许不难理解,迷恋其他男人性征的男人们,把他们自己的性欲投射到了别人的身上。And Freud suggested, perhaps not implausibly, who are obsessed with the sexuality of other men, are themselves projecting away their own sexual desires.

当Sabrina碰触女士令人惊异的深红色嘴唇时,我认为她事实上是在进行洗礼,同时也是在限定,女士被强烈压制的性欲。When Sabrina touches the surprisingly sensual rubied lip of the Lady, she's in essence baptizing, I think, and sanctioning the erotic drives that the Lady has been so fiercely repressing.

我对你产生了强烈的性欲,比如你们所有人,你们三个,for,instance,,and—,我为这种性欲感到羞耻,所以我会说,“你们干嘛色眯眯地看着我?The idea is that I feel this tremendous lust towards you, any of you, all of you, you three, and I'm ashamed of this lust so what I say is, "Hey. Are you guys looking at me in a sexual manner?

因此就出现了一种童贞与贞节的区别,当然实际上童贞是身体上的禁性欲,而贞节对有些人来说,在结婚以后是可以有适当的性行为的。And so there opens up a kind of distinction between virginity, which is, of course, actual physical sexual abstinence, and chastity, which for some could actually include the moderate practice of sex within marriage.

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我也希望,你们在阅读时注意到那一章,就是曾经萨尔去找迪安时,迪安又一次是光着身子,开的门,我希望你们注意到这一点,这是第三次,我们看到这一幕,所以他们对彼此有着性欲。And I hope, as you are reading, you notice that chapter opening where once again Dean appears at the door when Sal shows up, and he's totally naked.I hope you noticed that. It's the third time that we see that so there is an eroticism between them.

有一些证据,例如,性病如梅毒,作用之一是引起性欲,让人们沉溺于性交,因为这是这些病毒繁衍后代的方式。There's some evidence, for instance, that one of the effects of sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis is it arouses the libido, makes people more sexually engaged, because this is part of the strategy through which these viruses replicate themselves.