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他没有预想到这点。He’d not expected that.

您预想的变更类型是什么?What types of changes are you envisioning?

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预想自己年纪轻轻就死了,这算不上退休计划。Expecting to die young is not a retirement plan.

我原来预想的跟这个可是天差地别。Is this ever not how I expected it would be like.

这次度假的花销超出了我的预想。The costs of the vacation surpassed my expectation.

他们将被告知重新评估他们的预想。They will be told to re-evaluate their preconceptions.

他们能够因为预想中的非流动性风险而要求赔偿吗?Could they ask to be paid for assuming illiquidity risk?

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在路上的时间比我预想的要长。It's taking a little longer to get there than I thought.

你们正面临了预想、期待与阵阵迟疑。The anticipation, the expectations, the tingling doubts.

他心情很坏地想,这些事也是可以预想得到的。And that was also, he thought grumpily, quite predictable.

对于第一行,我们是在升高,和我们预想的沿行的规律一样。For row one, we're increasing, as we should, across the row.

我打开灯,和预想的一样,那歌声又停了。I turned on the light, and as predicted the singing stopped.

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地球的中间层可能比之前预想的更湿、更软。Earth’s middle layer may be squishier than previously thought.

这比我预想的要难。which turns out to be a bit more difficult than I anticipated.

他尝试过肌肉素,但是没有看到他预想的身体变化。He tried creatine, but didn’t see the bulking effect he wanted.

所有的不幸,追究起来,都只不过是你“预想”出来的。Look into those unfortunates, these are just "expected" by you.

乌托邦能够预想到的结局,事实上就是在公众怀抱中的监禁状态。What the utopias envisioned were in fact all-embracing prisons.

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各类琐事会花费比你预想更多的时间和精力。Your stuff takes up more of your time and money than you think.

就在那个时候,我被诊断出患有预想性焦虑失调症。During that time I was diagnosed with anticipatory anxiety disorder.

就在那个时候,我被诊断出患有预想性焦虑失调症。During this time I was diagnosed with anticipatory anxiety disorder.