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这种荚果或用作食物的种子。Such a pod or seed used as food.

最终增加单株开花数、单株饱果数和荚果产量。As a result, it increased the pod yield.

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某些豆科植物的种子或荚果。Seed or pod of certain leguminous plants.

北美的一种筷子芥属植物,荚果长,弯曲。North American rock cress having very long curved pods.

以一片片荚果放飞曾经鲜嫩如淤血似的种子。And letting go of the seeds once blue-blooded like gore.

任何开裂的干果,尤指荚果或蓇葖果。Any dry, dehiscent fruit, especially a legume or follicle.

这一切,让最小的驾驶室和副作用,荚果的设计可能。All this allows for the smallest cab and side pod design possible.

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于是,勒明人把荚果拖到开阔地,把它们修成小屋。Instead, the Lurmen dragged the pods into a clearing and used them as huts.

住在巨树附近非常危险,坠落的巨大荚果很可能造成致命伤害。Living near the trees proved too dangerous, as the falling pods could be deadly.

心皮,种子荚果就做你娃娃的头,花蕊就当衣领。The carpel, or seed pod, serves as your doll's head. The stamens will form a collar.

产于东印度的一种决明,具长荚果,含有黑色。East Indian tree having long pods containing a black cathartic pulp used as a horse medicine.

锦鸡儿属的任何一种植物,具有偶数羽状叶,花多为黄色,种子长在线形荚果中。Caragana having even-pinnate leaves and mostly yellow flowers followed by seeds in a linear pod.

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我们荚果体的切割者们包括较低振动和开始阶段的其它海豚鲸鱼。Our pods of map makers include other dolphins and whales of lower vibration and initiatory status.

嫩枝、叶柄、叶背、花序、花萼和荚果密被毡毛。Young shoots, petioles, abaxial surface of leaves, inflorescence, calyces and pods densely tomentose.

花生脱壳机是将花生荚果去掉外壳而得到花生仁的场上作业机械。Peanut huller is the fruit throw away outer shell but get shelled peanut of field top homework machine.

每个荚果内约有20至60粒可可豆,每粒可可豆约长2至3厘米,这就是巧克力的母体。Inside each pod are about 20-60 beans, each about 2-3 centimetres long. This is the Mother Lode2 of Chocolate.

目的研究霍山石斛荚果内遗传稳定性及荚果间的差异大小。Objective To study the hereditary stability in the pod and the diversity within the pods of Dendrobium huoshanense.

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一棵树的荚果可达70个,每个约35厘米长,颜色从深紫色到亮黄色。There are up to 70 pods, each about 35 centi- metres long, and ranging in colour from deep purple to bright yellow.

任一种生活于热带美洲王蕊属的植物,结大个木质的壶形荚果,果盖开裂。Any of various tropical American trees of the genus Lecythis, having a large, woody, urn-shaped pod that dehisces by a lid.

地球光明梦想更象一个结构的象征,它包含了与荚果能量有关的能量流新系统。The light earth dream appears much as a structure symbol and involves a new system of flow that is related to pod based energy.