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岩内多石钟乳、石柱、石笋、石幔、石花,多彩多姿,琳琅满目。Rock, rocky Zhongru, columns, stalagmites , Shiman, stone flower, diverse, range.

论形态,石钟乳、石笋、石花、石芝、石柱、石床……众体皆备。On the aspect of forms, there are stalagmite, stalactite, lime-flower, stone-bar, stone-bed etc.

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当地人认为,这些石笋和石钟乳所展现的是一副诡异的天堂与地狱的图画。Now locals believe that these stalagmites and stalactites conjure up weird images of heaven and hell.

洞内石笋、石柱、石琴、石幔、石花、石钟乳发育齐全,分布集中。Stalagmite inside the cave, columns, Shi Qin, Shiman, stone flower, complete stalactite growth, focus on distribution.

溶洞内有各种石钟乳、石笋、石柱、石盾、石瀑大小不一,形态各异。There are all kinds of stalactite, stalagmite, stela , stone shield and stone waterfall of different sizes and shapes.

岩溶洞区含重碳酸钙的地下水,在温度、压力改变时,产生碳酸钙的沉淀。良多石钟乳在岩壁处构成石幔。That's the calcium carbonate dissolved in the groundwater deposits on the rock wall caused by the changing of temperature and pressure in the karst cave.

有时,石钟乳和石笋不断长大,它们相会而形成石柱。许多洞穴中长满了这样堆积而成的奇形怪状的石头。Sometimes stalactites and stalagmites grow so that they meet and form a column. Many caves are filled with strangely shaped rock formations that were built in this way.

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在洞的深处可看到异态纷呈的石钟乳、石柱、石花、石帘、石笋和听到阴河哗哗的流水声。Can be seen in the deep hole anomaly scene of the stalactite, stone pillars and stone flowers, stone curtains, stalagmites, and hear the river rushing water sound cloudy.

在当地社区的导游陪伴下,人们可以在黑暗的山洞里花几个小时,欣赏石笋、石钟乳、瀑布、成群的蝙蝠、稀有的盲鱼物种及其他。Accompanied with a local guide from the community, one can spend hours in the dark cave, admiring stalagmites, stalactites, waterfalls, bats, rare eyeless fish-species and more.

喀斯特溶洞中石钟乳和石笋在形成过程中,碳酸盐矿物结晶时,常常捕获周围水溶液和气体,形成不混溶流体包裹体组合。During the formation of stalactite and stalagmite in karst caves carbonate minerals often trap gas and aqueous fluids, forming immiscible fluid inclusion population when they are crystallizing.

岩洞是一巨大石灰岩溶洞,洞内石钟乳,石笋,石柱,石花组成各种形象逼真的景物,故被誉为“大自然艺术宫”。The cave is a colossal calcific cave with stalactites, stalagmites, steles, stone and flowers forming a variety of lifelike figures and scenery, and is therefore honored as the "natural art gallery."