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另外还有车床镗床刨床等设备。Another boring machine planer lathes and other equipment.

加工时是用镗床镗孔。While processing is to use the boring machine boring bore.

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本课题设计一台双面卧式专用镗床。This topic is to design a special double-sided horizontal boring lathe.

最后设计出了满足要求的卧式镗床床。Final design to meet the requirements of a horizontal boring machine bed.

NCD71系列电火花成形机,数控镗床、电脑雕刻机。NCD71 series of EDM machines, CNC boring machine, computer engraving machine.

动画仿真模拟了立式镗床的操纵过程。The manipulation process of the vertical boring lathe is simulated by animation.

设备有车床、数控立车、数控大头床、镗床等。Equipment has lathes, CNC Vertical Lathe, CNC bed Big head , boring machine and so on.

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镗床用来加工直径较大的孔,能达到较高的加工精度。The boring machine used to process larger diameter hole, to achieve higher machining accuracy.

整个加工过程选用了钻床、铣床和镗床。Whole processes the process chose to use to the drill machine, miller with the boring machine.

利用金刚镗床可以较好的完成小连杆的加工。The use of boring machine can be better to complete the processing of the small connecting rod.

我这次做的工作是车基准机床及双头镗床液压系统设计。My work on this design is to design the standard of lathing and the headed benchmark boring machine hydraulic system.

介绍了深孔镗床输油器的作用及结构特点,并涉及了一些设计参数。The functions and structure features of the oil feeder on deep-hole borer are introduced, some design parameters are involved.

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介绍一种利用分度装置在镗床上加工超大直径内齿圈齿形的方法。A method for processing super major diameter inner gear form on boring machine by the dividing device has been introduced in this paper.

公司拥有先进的动平衡机、数控切割机、数显镗床等先进的加工设备。The company has advanced dynamic balancing machine , CNC cutting machine , boring machine and other advanced digital processing equipment.

对坐标镗床光学系统常见的故障进行分析,并介绍相应的简便维修方法。In this paper, the common fault of optical system in the coordinate_boring machine is analyzed. The corresponding methods of maintenance is given.

主要介绍对老设备单面五轴卧式镗床的电气系统改造情况,及在改造中碰到问题时的具体解决方法。The paper introduces rebuilding of electricity system of an old horizontal boring machine of unilateral five- axis, focusing on rebuilding method.

本厂有车床、刨床、镗床、钻床、万能铣床、大型压力机为一体的机械加工单位。The factory has lathe, planer, boring machine, drilling machine, universal milling machines, large press as one of the mechanical processing units.

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经对比,提出利用T4280双柱坐标镗床作为研制粘接装置的工作平台,进行多层壳体粘接装置的总体设计。By contrast, multilayer shells bond device is designed which the T4280 twin columns coordinate boring lathe is used as the bond device labor flat roof.

本文阐述了在同一台卧式镗床上,通过采用不同的工艺装备,加工同一个零件,以获得不同的加工精度。A different processing precision was obtained when a spare part was processed on the same horizontal boring machine but with a different technological device.

介绍一种利用分度装置在镗床上加工超大直径内齿圈齿形的方法。To highlight the importance of ring gear flexibility to dynamic performance of the system, a novel elastodynamic model of spur PGT is presented in this thesis.