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在经典内弹道理论基础上建立了火工分离装置的性能计算模型。Setting up a performance modeling of the devices on the base of interior ballistics.

未到黎明她就起来,把食物分给家中的人,将当做的工分派婢女。She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.

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天还未亮,她就起来,把食物分给家人,把当作的工分派众婢女。She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household and plan the day's work for her servant girls.

长期以来睡眠分阶是由人工实现的。人工分阶一般具有费时,带有很强的主观性等缺点。Sleep staging has been realized by artificial demarcation for a long time which usually costs much time and is subjective.

该系统运行稳定可靠,消除了人工分检存在的误操作和漏检,提高了产品质量和生产效率。This system can work stably and reliably with more efficiency, and also avoid the mistakes introduced by manual operation.

网络资源的不断膨胀和新旧信息的迅速更迭,使传统的手工分检的方法难以适应对海量电子数据的管理需要。With the ceaseless resource inflation and rapid change of information on Web, it has become difficult to manage vast e-data through traditional manual method.

家里能让他这样一个大后生不挣工分白吃饭,让他到县城来上高中,就实在不容易了。The family had undergone great hardship to let him attend senior high school in county town, which meant a big fellow was consuming food without earning any workpoint.

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阿根廷连下几日的豪雨,慈济志工分组前往灾区,为发放工作展开勘灾行动。Days of heavy downpour flooded parts of Argentina. Tzu Chi volunteers are dispatched to the worst-hit areas, to assess the extent of damage for the ensuing relief work.

将来有些大队可以合并一下,几个大队变成一个村,有一个村长、一个支部书记、一个文书就可以了,文书的工分由国家补贴。In future, a couple of brigades could merge into a village with a village head, a Party branch secretary and a clerk. The clerk would receive a subsidy from the state for his work points.

如果在劳动小时不变的情况下,某一年社会所得仅只有前一年的一半,那么,每一工分价值将同样只有去年的一半。If, with the same number of hours of labour , the income of the society in a given year was only half as big as in the previous year, then the value of each receipt would likewise be halved.

浅滩河段人工分汊是航道整治中创立的一种特殊方法,它能解决航道建设与工业取水、港口码头的矛盾。It is a special method created in channel requlation to bifurcate shoal stretch artificially, so as to eliminate the counter effect of channel requlation to industrial abstraction works and ports.