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这股热潮是帮助或是伤害了你的生意?Does the boom help or hurt your business?

出现了争购音乐会入场券的热潮。There was a rush for the concert tickets.

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本周,这一热潮蔓延到了现实世界。This week the craze spread to the real world.

旅游局的官员称这种现象为“北海道热潮”。Tourism officials call it the “Hokkaido boom”.

不断升温的健身热潮正席卷整个中国。A growing keep-fit fever is sweeping over China.

最热潮品是带装饰扣的方跟鞋。The hottest items are chunky heels with buckles.

现在,有人说这股热潮有些反应过度。That rush has some now talking of an overreaction.

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这次演出的热潮在伦敦持续上演了8949场。The hit show ran for 8,949 performances in London.

电子书在消费者中掀起了购买热潮。The e-book phenomenon is taking off among consumers.

健身热潮曾经席卷了办公室外很多大姑娘。Keep-fit mania has hit some of the girls in the office.

海市蜃楼是基于大气热潮产生的一种光学幻觉。A mirage is an optical illusion founded on waves of heat.

演员高雅拉的成熟身体吸引了大家热潮的注意。Actress Go Ara's mature body is attracting hot attention.

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而追求高薪水也依然热潮的原动力。The crazes for high salaries are still the driving force.

视频分享网站从2005年开始掀起热潮,在2008年底却遭遇寒冬。At the end of 2008, video-sharing website suffered the cold.

现在他们漫游地球,跟随一个永不知足的旅行热潮。Now they roam the Earth, following an insatiable wanderlust.

如果我们看到以佩林作为名字的热潮,那我会非常惊讶的。I would be very surprised if we saw a boom in the name Palin.

眼下,严重的经济衰退正在引发新一轮的民间联防热潮。Now, the deep recession is drawing in a new wave of recruits.

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电动汽车以其零污染在世界上已掀起了一股发展热潮。The use of electric vehicles booms due to its pollution-free.

看一看美国‘动脚’热潮的兴起吧。This is a look at the rise of foot-powered travel in America.

许多人都在思考微信会不会引起O2O爆发热潮?答案是肯定的。Many people are thinking about WeChat will not cause O2O boom?