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今晚在文化宫会上演哪个戏目?What play will be performed tonight at the Palace of Culture?

他们也可以在富丽堂皇的工人文化宫里消遣娱乐。They may also amuse themselves in the magnificent Workers Palace of Culture.

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这是我厂为民族文化宫大厅制作的铜錾花吊顶。The copper ceiling of the National Culture Palace hall is made by our factory.

文化宫里有图书馆、礼堂和游艺室。Housed in the Cultural Palace are a library, an auditorium and recreation rooms.

发生劫持人质事件的莫斯科的轴承厂文化宫剧院。Of the hostage-taking incident in Moscow's Cultural Palace Theater bearing factory.

劳动人民文化宫原为太庙,为全国重点文物保护单位。Originally Ancestral Temple, People's Cultural Palace is National major cultural relics preservation unit.

文化宫停经站点为华光眼镜店门口,即大沙地站车站对面。The stop " Cultural Palace" is in front of the gate of Huaguang Optical Store, opposite to Dashadi Bus Stop.

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其作品被广泛的展览于国家美术馆,文化宫,美国大使馆等。His works have been widely exhibited in the National Art Museum, the Cultural Palace, and the American Embassy in Beijing.

直到2012年,它仍然是一片废墟,也是这一年,市政当局发起了文化宫的修缮工程。It remained a ruin until 2012, when the municipality initiated a project for the rehabilitation and refunctionalisation of the Palace.

濮阳市工人文化宫作为城市新的地标性建筑,像濮阳的城市客厅一样,迎接客人们来到这里互相交流、互相学习。Constructed as a new landmark of the city, this project is a city hall to welcome people coming here to communicate and learn from each other.

十月六号下午,数百名郑州市民聚会在郑州市省劳动人民文化宫,对近日来发生在美国的“占领华尔街”的群众运动,给予支持。The spreading “Occupy Wall Street” movement is getting support in some unlikely places, such as the city of Zhengzhou in China's Henan province.

小陈听说广州市青年文化宫有放映员的培训后,马上去报了名。And I envy the film projectionists very much. " Xiao Chen registered for the training of film projectionists as soon as he heard about the program."

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非法武装劫持人质的头目巴拉耶夫要求俄罗斯在一周内撤出车臣,否则,他将引爆莫斯科轴承厂文化宫大楼。Illegal armed hostage-taking leader Barayev Russia from Chechnya in a week, otherwise, he would detonate the building palaces bearing factory in Moscow.

民族文化宫是八十年代中期建设的,属省级风景名胜区之一。The Cultural Palace of the Nationalities is built by middle of 80 decade, belongs to the one of provincial-level scenery district of well-known scenic spot.

经历了多年的冷清之后,年过半百的沈阳市工人文化宫无奈地悄然“转身”——这里已经形成了沈城西部地区最大的货运市场。After several years'cold-acceptance, more than fifty-year-old Shenyang Worker Cultural Palace has been transferred to the biggest freight center in West Shenyang.

本文介绍了厦门市工人文化宫地下停车场内长距离消防卷帘降温保护问题的方案比较,认为类似工点应当优先采用加密喷头闭式自动喷水系统。It was considered that the close type automatic water spraying system with densely arranged spray nozzles should be used priorly for the similar engineering project.

可喜的是,他们终于找到了很多的英语爱好者,于是,大家只好决定定期在大契文化宫旁边的走廊里举行活动。But the cheerful result is that finally we found so many English fans, so we decided to conduct our activities in the aisle of the Daqi Culture Palace in a regular basis.

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介绍民族文化宫结构检测、鉴定技术及结构加固的各项施工技术。In this article, the author introduces many construction techniques used in National Culture Palace, including structure detection, monitoring and structure reinforcement.

“进行这种表演并不新鲜,”主管此庙的劳动人民文化宫负责人说,“我们接待了雅尼就没事嘛。”"Having such performances is nothing new, " says an official of the Working People's Cultural Palace, the body directly in charge of the temple. "We had no problems with Yanni.

10月6日,为了支持那些怒不可遏、再也无法忍受的美国人民,几百名示威者聚集到了劳动人民文化宫。On October 6th, several hundred demonstrators converged on the Labor People's Cultural Center to support those Americans who are mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore!